Episode 4

135 6 2

Time skip to Yn house

Yn mom: welcome home sweetie...... How was your first day of you college.

Yn: when mom ask me about my college I remember my first kiss between me and Taehyung and think about him as how he flirt with me. But whenever I remember kiss I also get angry bcoz he did without my permission. Anyway I forgive him bcoz he sincerely apologize for what he did and also he deserves sec chance but I will not gonna tell him that I forgive him. As aI was thinking all this my mom shout my name.....

Yn: mom.... Why are you shouting my name when I stand infront of you.

Yn mom: how many times I have call you yn.. Yn... Yn.. But you didn't listen and enjoying your another live in your imagination.

Yn: sorry mom.... actually I was just thinking what happen in college.

Yn mom: did something happen with you??

Yn: N-No mom nothing happened with me. I was saying that me and Jennie were enjoy our first day of our college.

Yn mom: OK then go and freshen up I will prepare your lunch.
Yn: okk love you so much mom.

Suddenly my phone start ringing and it's comes from unknown number so I get confused who called me and pick up the call.

*on call*

yn: Hello?

Taehyung: It's me Taehyung..

yn: why you call me?

yn mom: yn who is on call?

yn:(panic) J-Jennie yaa it's jennie mom

yn mom: ook but go and freshenup first then come for lunch.

yn: oohk mom

yn:(on call) I will talk to you later and hung up the call without listening his reply

Taehyung: huh? she cut the call on my face.

Time skip

Yn come downstair for lunch and saw her brother already eating his lunch

Yn mom serve her lunch and ask what you study today in college.

Yn: everything was good mom and teacher also support me to familiar with classes

yn mom: did you made any new friends?

yn: yes actually jennie introduce to me his friend so I also talk to him.

yn mom: His??

Yn: yes he is a boy and his name is Jungkook.

yn mom: oohk but more focus on study.

yn: hmm

Again your phone start to ring and it's taehyung

yn mom: who is calling you by unknown number?

yn: I don't know mom maybe it's fraud call leave it

yn mom: oohk 

But again your phone ring then your mom pick call

yn mom: Hello? who are you? and why are you keep calling?

Yn mom: WHAT?

To be continue..............................................

Strict parents and boyfriend Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now