Chapter 15

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The next day they stood outside Xingqiu's favorite brunch restaurant. The wind was cold and unforgiving, brisk in their faces as they waited for the doors to finally open. Scara yawned, covering his mouth slowly while shaking.

Kazuha smiled, nestling himself into Scara's side. As soon as he started to feel his warmth, they opened the doors to let them inside. The group slowly shuffled in, their tired faces eager for the coffee and alcohol that awaited them.

A hostess showed them to their table on the other side of the restaurant, the dark wooden beams and dim light setting a certain romantic ambience for the group.

They sat at a high-top booth by the window. As Scara looked over the menu, Kazuha admired the beautiful stained-glass windows above Venti and Xingqiu. Scara rested his arm on the back of Kazuha's chair, leaning in a little closer. "What drink are you going to get?" he asked quietly, the dark circles underneath his eyes becoming more prominent in the light.

Kazuha got lost in his deep indigo hues, before letting out a gentle laugh. "You pick for me." Kazuha smiled, leaning a little closer.

Scara smirked, placing a quick kiss on his lips. "Anything for you." His quiet sexy tone gave Kazuha goosebumps.

Kazuha blushed and put his bandaged hand over his face, hiding his red cheeks. As their waitress approached, Scara reached for Kazuha's hand, holding it down underneath the booth.

She introduced herself and took Venti and Xingqiu's drink orders before turning to Scara. "And for you?" she asked, as Scara leaned on the table resting his head on his free hand. "I'll have a mimosa and he will have a Chanel 6."

Scara returned his attention to Kazuha as soon as she left, giving his hand a squeeze.

As their brunch date ended, they all sat at the table feeling tipsy from their drinks. Kazuha crossed his legs, resting his arm on Scara's chair. He admired his hair for a moment, before reaching to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear.

Scara pulled out his phone, seeing he was getting a phone call. "I've got to take this, I'll be right back, okay?"

In Scara's absence, Venti leaned across the table with a wide smile on his face. "You guys, are hot." He fanned his face for a moment before bursting out in a fit of giggles.

Xingqiu kissed his cheek and smiled, nodding in agreement. "In my book-"

Kazuha cut him off, a smile on his face. "Ordinary."

"You are too humble, Kazuha."

Scara returned to the table, his aura dark and apparent. "I've got to attend to a situation at work, I'm sorry to have to leave like this." He set down money on the table before leaning in to kiss Kazuha.

"Are you walking to the station?" Kazuha asked, sensing something wasn't right. "I'll walk with you." He stood from the table quickly, flashing a concerning glance at Xingqiu.

The two left, walking quickly towards the station a few blocks away. The silence was deafening, causing Kazuha to worry. "Is everything okay?" he asked quietly, his voice almost drowned out by the wind.

"I'm not entirely sure." Scara admitted, picking up Kazuha's hand before giving it a gentle squeeze. "I shouldn't be gone long. I'll visit you as soon as I can." He gave him a reassuring smile.

As they reached the station, he pulled Kazuha in for a hug. His warm hands reached for Kazuha's face, before placing a rushed kiss on his face.

"I miss you already." Kazuha said softly, watching as Scara boarded the railway.

It had been a few days since Kazuha had seen Scara. His mind was adrift, as he stood at the bar top taking Lisa's order. Xingqiu sat at the end of the bar as usual, his nose stuffed in a book; but his eyes were glued to Kazuha.

He studied him as he took Lisa's order, noticing something off in his appearance. He was pale and tired looking, lacking his usual spark. His hair instead of being neatly tied back, was down and messy. He was calm, but Xingqiu could tell there was something on his mind with the way his hands would shake when he wasn't doing anything.

After he made Lisa's drink, Kazuha made his way down to the end of the bar where Xingqiu sat. He leaned against the back bar and crossed his arms, his slight shake returning to his unoccupied hands.

"Is everything okay?" Xingqiu asked, laying his book down on the bar.

"I'm just feeling a little anxious, that's all. You know when nothing bad has happened in so long, and it's creeping up slowly but surely. A storm is brewing." Kazuha said quietly, just audible enough to hear over the soft jazz music that played in the bar.

"You shouldn't worry so much Kazuha, it isn't a good look for you." Xingqiu smiled, taking a long drink of wine.

The bell above the bar door chimed, and the two watched a tired-looking Scara sulk in. He sat down next to Xingqiu without a word or shoulder shake, which caused Kazuha to raise an eyebrow. "Scara? Are you okay?"

"Peachy." Scara scoffed as he crossed his arms. "I hate to do this, but I have to leave again for a while."

Xingqiu shot a very worried glance in Kazuha's direction who was looking at the ground. I knew it. His inner monologue chanted, getting ahead of itself.

"Is everything okay?" Kazuha asked again, hoping to get a real answer from Scara.

Scara reached his hand out, waiting for Kazuha to take it. When he did, he pulled him in so he could speak quietly. "I'm worried for my client I went to go visit about a month ago." He began, giving a sad look to Xingqiu. "Heizou, a detective in Inazuma. He normally takes a while to reply, but not this long. I haven't heard from him in three days, and something doesn't feel right this time." He admitted, shaking his head slowly. "I tried to call the agency he works at, but he is currently on a leave of absence. His job takes a huge toll on his mind, and the most recent murder case, I fear hit him personally." Scara sighed, squeezing Kazuha's hand. "I'll return as soon as I can, okay?"

Kazuha nodded, noticing the sadness that tugged at the corner of Scara's eyes. "I'll be waiting for you to return."

Scara forced a smile, then turned to Xingqiu. He put his hand on his shoulder as he always did, this time he looked directly into his eyes with his piercing dark hues. "I need you to take care of him while I'm gone, okay?"

Xingqiu smiled, extending his hand for Scara to shake. "You have my word."

Scara shook his hand, before getting up from his seat. He walked around the bar, wrapping Kazuha up in a desperate hug. His lips hovered next to Kazuha's ear as he spoke. "I'll return as soon as I can, I love you my dear Kazu." Scara pulled back, giving Kazuha one last look covered in grimace before putting his hands on both sides of his face and smashing their lips together in a rushed passionate kiss.

He turned and left, Kazuha watching as he disappeared out of the bar. As the door shut, he closed his eyes tightly trying to hold in his emotions.

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