2nd day

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Mori tighten his grip on Dazai's wrist so he couldn't get away,while a student and a teacher holding books walking past the hallway,Ango Sakaguchi saw Mori what was he doing to the new student he immediately told the teacher behind him,Oda Sakunosoke hold Mori's shoulder

"you shouldn't do that to the new student Mori"said Oda Sakunosoke(hes the teacher by the way)

"hm?Why not he used to be my patient when i was a doctor,is it bad to greet him?"Mori said while grinning

"let go of him before i report you"Mori lets go of Dazai's wrist and left

"are you okay?Sorry Mori-sensei is a p3do everybody in the school knows that,Im Ango Sakaguchi"

"Osamu Dazai"The brunnete bowed down as a thank you for helping him earlier

"well im Oda Sakunosoke,now we should go to the class now"they all went to the classroom while taking to each other and Oda starts his lesson on History


Dazai was about to go home but somoene called him it was the ginger who gava him tour earlier

"do you take the train to go home or you walk"The ginger said while patting the Brunettes shoulder

"i take the train..how about you?"

"i take the train too!Wheres your stop?"

"in the ********* street"

"me too!let me guess,you just moved there right?"


they both talked on their way on the train and exchanged phone numbers,they became great friends,aound 50 minutes later they both got off in the train and reached their home they were both neighbors,seeing there Moms talking about them

"ah!Osamu your here!"said Ophelia(shes Dazai's mom)the brunette and the ginger went home and rest

"today was tiring" i sighed thinking about Dazai'hes kinda intresting i wonder if he plays video games'i thought then suddenly my phone maked a sound "DING" it looks like somoene message me,i wonder if its Akutagawa or Tachihara i picked up my phone behind my lamp and checked who message me,it was Dazai saying"good evening"and i replied that too and asked him if he plays video games he said yes i wonder what games he played so i asked that too he said he plays Mario Kart(i searched what video game did Chuuya and dazai played and it says Mario Kart,Dazai plays that for some reason its becase he cant drive in real life lol)i replied"wow,you play that too?"he said yes and we both played together,he seems good at it his cool


i was going outside our house and saw Chuuya who's waiting me

"morning"i said and he says the same thing,we both talk what happened last night,he told me i was good at it and said he was good at it too and he asked if i want to meet his friends and i just said yes,i was a little nervous and i saw Chuuya's friends and He introduced me to them we all talked on the train,and the guy who haves a hat and wearing a glasses takes a Lollipop on his pocket and gave it to me

"welcome to our group Dazai,im Edogawa Ranpo this guy by my side is Edgar Allan Poe his from America"

"hi im Atsushi Nakajima and this guy is uh......Akutagawa Ryunosoke hes quite and kinda rude"

"im Nikolai Gogol!"he said with a funny voice"this ones Fyodor Dostoevsky hes Russian and im Ukrainian"

"im Yosano Akiko,you already met me in the hospital when we were 8"

"im Sigma........"Sigma is nervous if he talks to somoene he never met

they all introduced theirself they look fun to hangout with,Especially Chuuya


they all arrived in their classroom Mori was their first subject Dazai and Yosano were just glaring at him while teaching wich makes Mori scared a little,Ango was just staring at Dazai wich makes him chuckle queitly because hes making Mori scared 40 minutes later Mori rushly takes his things and went to the other classroom.Francis Fritzerland came into their Classroom and Says Good morning and starts teaching,Francis was their Social Studies Teacher,While he was teaching Chuuya throwed a scrumbled paper to Dazai,he picked it up and uncrumbled it says 'do you wanna hangout after school?'and Dazai wrote 'sure and throwed it back to Chuuya


Dazai was waiting on the school gate and Chuuya scared him from behind"Chuuya!You scared me!"he gave a pout face to Chuuya"i din't know you were a scaredy cat Bandage wasting machine"he chuckles
but Chuuya's face became serious and asked Dazai"Sorry to ask this but why do you have a lot of bandage on your wrist and neck?"Chuuya asks"oh..I..Uhhh"Dazai was scared to tell Chuuya"its okay,you can tell me whenever your ready"


Atsushi was making udon for dinner while Akutagawa were taking a shower and Gin and Higuchi on the living room looking at their phones
"Foods ready!"Atsushi Shouted Gin picks up her chopstick as he sits down on hr chair and Higuchi making a Orange Juice and Akutagawa coming out of the bathroom,"can i stay here for tonight?"Higuchi asks
"Nii-san can she?"Gin asked her brother"yes she can"Akutagawa answered


Atsushi was already asleep,while Akutagawa entered his room quietly and goes to Atsushi's bed and cuddles him for a while and sniffing hes scent wich makes him fall asleep,Akutagawa does that often if he can't sleep like last time Atsushi couldn't get of hes bed because Akutagawa was sleeping in his chest the whole night and Akutagawa pretends he haves sleepwalking Atsushi and Gin believed him,Atsushi woke up the middle of the night and sees Akutagawa infront of him and Atsushi cuddled him back


Akutagawa woked up in the morning and Atsushi was gone 'ugh....why is he not waking me up if hes already awake...'he pouted and goes out of Atsushis room rubbing hes eyes and sees Atsushi making Breakfast while Gin and Higuchi are already wearing their school uniforms same as Atsushi but wearing a Apron"ah...Good Morning Brother"Gin greeted him same as Higuchi and Atsushi but Atsushi was blushing a little placing the breakfasts on the table,they all sat on the table and ate andtalk together it was already 6:50 in the morning,Akutagawa finished his food and went to the bathroom to take a shower.."Did Aku sleepwalked last night?"Higuchi asked"mhm"Atsushi answered while munching his food and taking a sip on his cup"I'll wash the dishes for you Atsushi-kun"Gin told him"I-I'll help too!"said Higuchi

Hehehe chapter 2 is finished!1172 words typed!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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