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Akito's Perspective:

Akito stopped strumming as he finished up the note. He looked to see Toya's eyes opened wide, his back leaned forward into his hand. Akito blushed at Toya's staring. "Was it that bad..?" Akito asked, fully aware that he wasn't going to be playing his best due to the circumstances. Toya shook his head swiftly. "No, it was perfect." He whispered in amazement. Akito felt his cheeks grow redder. "D-Did you get the song by now or..?" Akito asked, nearly dropping his guitar in embarrassment.

It was funny, really. Akito was normally precise and careful with each note. Akito found irony in the fact that he couldn't seem to fully concentrate in Toya's presence. Finding himself struggling to not put the guitar down and hug Toya. The only thing keeping him from doing that was Akito's embarrassment and awkwardness. Though he felt his heart race at the thought of singing by Toya's side. "I think I got it, would you mind singing an octave higher? I'll contrast your voice with a lower octave. I think that'd sound best."

Toya asked. For someone who swore off music in junior high he sure had a keen ear. Akito smiled at his thoughtfulness. "That sounds good, just don't push yourself." Akito chuckled. Toya nodded. Akito inhaled as he prepared to sing. The guitar's melody echoed through his ears as he cleared his mind. He nodded at Toya and strummed another measure before singing. He was nearly thrown off by the beautiful harmony the came from Toya and him.

Toya wasn't lying when he said he only needed to hear it once. His voice was soft and clear and complimented Akito's 'rougher' tone well. Akito began to wonder if he were singing at the same level as Toya. Was he good enough to be singing by Toya's side like this..? His concentration was thrown off slightly and he got caught on a lump in his throat. Toya crawled over. "Akito? Are you alright?" He asked, his eyes filled with loving concern. Akito felt his mouth tug into a frown.

"Yeah, you were amazing." Akito said, unable to force a smile. Toya blinked before realizing the situation. He giggled before running his slender fingers through Akito's orange hair. Akito blushed. Akito still wasn't used to this new found intimacy with Toya as they just now crossed that line... Leaving Akito a little awkward. It seemed that Toya had already thought of this and got used to it before any of this, which just made it more embarrassing for Akito.

"Akito, you're selling yourself short again, aren't you?" Toya said softly, his smile faded. "Selling myself short? Dude, your voice is literally so beautiful there's no possible way I could compare." Akito huffed, narrowing his eyes. Toya didn't seem to like that answer. "Akito... Don't you think I wouldn't have sung with you if that was case?" Toya asked, it seemed he came up with that question on the fly. Pulling for strings to show Akito his worth.

"What do you mean by that?" Akito shot his question back. Toya's fingers left Akito's hair, which was a messy barrage of strands sticking different ways at this point. Toya took the guitar and moved it to the side before looking Akito in the eyes. "Think about it. I know how you are, I would've never sang if I knew it'd hurt you. I sang with you because I knew we were equals, if you're not better, Akito." Toya explained, inching ever so closer to Akito. Akito felt his face heat up.

"I... I don't... know what to say..?" Akito stammered, chuckling at his own awkwardness. "How about that you're a beautiful and talented singer? That's a start." Toya smiled softly, his thumb wandering to Akito's plump lips. "Are you crazy..?" Akito chuckled. Akito's smile faded as he realized Toya was serious. With Akito's face as red as a tomato, he slid his hand under Toya's that rested on his face and intertwined their fingers. He then looked to the side. "I-I'm a... Beautiful..." The word struggled to leave his throat.

He tried his hardest not to cringe at these words as he turned his eyes back to meet Toya's. "A-And... Talented singer..." Akito finished. Toya smiled. "You satisfied now?" Akito asked playfully, though his embarrassment showed through his soft tone. Toya leaned in and pecked Akito's lips, causing Akito to light up like a christmas tree. "It could use some improvement... But I think we can work with this." Toya teased back leaning in to cuddle with Akito.

The warmth of each other's embrace was almost suffocating. Akito felt as though he could melt. Though, he had to admit. Being by Toya's side made him unexplainably happy. "Toya... Don't you have to get home soon?" Akito asked, not really wanting him to. "Do you want me to leave that badly?" Toya teased with a soft, gentle smile. "I-It's not that!" Akito struggled to respond. Toya laughed before tightening his embrace on Akito. "Can't I just spend the night here..? I want to wake up with you by my side." Toya replied.

Akito was at a loss for words. They just started dating... Was this normal? Akito bit his lip. He guessed that it was really up to what he wanted to do. For the first time... He had the power to choose what happened next. It felt empowering. He warmly smiled through his blush and let all of his worries wash away. "Sure, I'd like that too." Akito replied. Toya seemed surprised at the sudden change in Akito's tone. It didn't seem the thought Akito would agree. Toya smiled.

"Then let's get to bed, shall we?" Toya replied, slightly blushing. Akito hesitated as the two of them got into his bed together. It was big enough for the two of them, but just barely. No matter how they were position themselves, it was clear that they were to be touching in some sort of way. Akito shakily sighed as Toya gave in and wrapped his arm around Akito. "... I don't think we'll be able to get comfortable otherwise... Unless you want me to sleep somewhere else?" Toya asked, his voice blew on the back of Akito's head.

Akito turned himself around to face Toya's neck. "This is fine..." Akito mutter, too tired to really care. Toya chuckled as the two cuddled into one another. "I couldn't have asked for anything better..." Akito hears Toya whisper. Akito feels his heart pounding at his words. Akito's mouth shriveled its way into a smile. He snuggled into Toya's chin. He could feel Toya's soft breaths hit the top of his messy hair. Akito felt embarrassed by that, and decided that as soon as he woke up he'd have to brush it.

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