Chapter Eleven - Unconditional Love

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Harry rushed to find his sister early that morning before boarding the train. He needed to talk with her about what he overheard Professor Snape and Draco talking about last night. He still wasn't happy with her decision to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas, he knew it was because of Riddle. He hated seeing them around the school flaunting their relationship, they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Harry thought it was rather disgusting and if he was being honest he felt embarrassed by it all. She was his sister and the other chosen one, she should have some self respect, some sort of dignity. People look up to them, they look at them as role models. It was bad enough she was a Slytherin and now dating Mattheo Riddle. Harry has been trying to mend his relationship with his sister, it wasn't as smooth as he had hoped. He's trying to trust her but something felt wrong to him.

Emma was walking towards the great hall with Lorenzo Berkshire, out of all the Slytherin's Harry quite liked Enzo. He watched as Emma laughed so hard she was gripping her stomach at something Enzo had said to her. Enzo was looking at his sister like she hung the moon. Why couldn't his sister date someone like him, Harry thought. He walked up to them clearing his throat, his sister stiffened her back before giving him a small smile.

"Please let Molly know how much I already miss her and that I'm sorry I can't make it this year." she tells him as Enzo stands protectively close to her watching the two of them carefully. Monitoring the way Emma's mood had drastically changed.

"They will be really disappointed you won't be there." Harry tells her a hint of annoyance in his voice. "I actually need to speak to you privately.." He pauses looking over to Enzo "Would you mind if I borrow my sister for a moment?" he asks the Slytherin boy.

"Oh....oh yeah for sure. Em I'll be over there, unless you want me to stay?" he questions her. She gives him a small nod letting him know it's okay before he walks off towards the corner watching Harry. 

"So what's so important that you need to tell me before you leave?" she questions eyeing her brother cautiously.

"Last night when Professor Snape escorted Draco out of Slughorn's party, I overheard their conversation." Emma's body went tense. Dra was one of her close friends here, she felt uncomfortable. "He said that he might have hexed Katie. He seemed angry with Professor Snape, Snape said that he swore to protect Draco said something about an Unbreakable Vow." Harry pauses looking around before going back to a hushed voice "Draco talked about being chosen for this, chosen out of all the others and that he won't fail him."

Emma was trying to mask her face, show no emotion. She felt like she was being placed in the middle of a battle that has been brewing for a very long time. The question remained weather she would chose her brother or her friends.

"Unbreakable Vow, are you sure that's what Snape said?" she questioned him.

"Positive, why?" he looked at her suspiciously.

"Nothing, I'm just making sure I understand everything you just told me. It''s a lot to take in." she was playing stupid. She knew exactly what an Unbreakable Vow was. It was a binding magical contract cast between two people, if the contract is broken by either person it would mean imminent death to the person who broke it. Why would Snape and Draco cast a binding spell like this, does this mean Dra was a death eater like Mattheo? How could she bring this up to him without spooky him. Emma's mind was running wild, how was she supposed to help both sides? How was she supposed to do any of this?

"Don't you see Emmy he's working for Voldemort, they all are. Draco, Snape..." he watches her closely as her eyes search his "Mattheo."

His name was barely off his lips before she stepped back, anger crossing her face. "Stop" she holds a hand up to him.

War, Love, and Riddle //Mattheo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now