Chapter 1 Mission Turned Right

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Warnings : swearing feelings of abandonment
You have emerald green eyes and  auburn hair just like your mother. In the red room you were the second best widow except for Natasha Romanoff was better. You were quick and ruthless at taking out your targets. Dreykov wanted to see you.
"Hello y/n," he said with a wicked smile I want you take out Natasha Romanoff." "Yes sir," you say. You went out to look for her.
At the Avengers Compound. The team was in a meeting with Fury. "I need you to capture a girl she's dangerous. I'll give you the coordinates of where she is located," Fury says. "Ok, we'll get her," Tony says.
You find yourself at an abandoned airport. You see a jet flying toward you. Landing three feet away from you. The jet opens and you see Natasha walking toward you with a bunch of other people. You lung at Natasha starting to fight. The other people are helping her fight you but you don't care. You fight Natasha for a while but eventually she knocks you out.
"Y/N?!" she says surprised. The avengers get you onboard the quinjet. They put restraints on you so you can't do anything when you wake up. Nat is sitting by your side. "Wanda can you give her a  vision," Tony says. "No Tony," Nat says. "Why not," he asks. "She's too young," Nat says. "Ok but I'm still having Wanda do it. Wanda do it," Tony tells her. "Ok," Wanda says . You felt a tingling sensation in your mind.
You were back in the red room but you just watched as girls were doing ballet. You saw yourself do ballet and train. You watched as you were restrained on a table as doctors put stuff in you. You cry as the vision of your past continues. You felt someone wipe your tears away. You came out of the trance. You look around and saw a tall man and a brunette hair girl. You also saw Natasha next to you. "Who are you kid," the tall man asks. You don't respond. "This is y/n," Nat told the tall man. "How do you her name Romanoff," Tony asks. "I just do, drop it Tony," Nat says. She gave him a glare. You look at Natasha quickly and then stare at the floor. Natasha stands up and told the tall man and the brunette hair girl that she was going to talk to some guy named Bruce. "Someone needs to stay with y/n," Natasha said. "I'll do it," the  brunette hair girl says. You follow Nat with your eyes until she was out of the room.
In the other room with Nat. "Bruce y/n has tracker in her leg and we need to get out before we arrive back so Dreykov can't track her," Nat says to him. "Got it but how I'm supposed to get her to come with me," Bruce asks. "Don't worry I got it handled Bruce" Nat says. Nat and a guy with a purple shirt entered the room where you were. She walks over to you and kneels  down to your level. "Y/n you will be going asleep for a while and when you wake up you'll feel much better," Nat tells you. You stare at her with no emotion on your face. "Hi my name is Bruce can you follow me to another room," he asked you. You looked at the restraints on your hands and legs holding you to the seat. "Someone needs take the restraints so she can walk to other room," Bruce says. "That's not happening. She's dangerous," Tony responds. "It's fine I'll hold her down as someone takes the restraints off," Nat says. "Ok I guess," Tony says.
You suddenly feel Nat holding your arms and legs down. The restraints become undone. Nat grabs your hand but you quickly flip her over. She gets up quickly and picks you up putting you over her shoulder. You kick her in thigh making her almost drop you. She carries you to the other room and sets you down on a bed. Before you can get up a mask is put over your face. You grab the person's hand and take their hand off the mask. You grab the mask and throw it across the room. The purple shirt guy goes and grabs a new mask. "Someone needs to keep her calm so I can get her to sleep," the guy says. Nat tries to hold your hand but you pull away. You keep trying to grab the mask but you can't. Nat picks you up holding you in her lap well the purple shirt guy puts the mask over your face. You try to fight Nat and also trying to get the mask off your face. A couple tear falls from your eyes before turning back to a stoic face. You grab a surgical tool then face Nat holding the surgical tool ready to stab her. "Natasha do something she going to kill
you," the guy says panicked. "She wouldn't kill me will you Малыш-паук (baby spider)," Nat says creasing your cheek. Your eyes clear for a minute letting you throw away the surgical weapon. The guy comes close with the mask in his hands but you shimmy away."Bruce give me the mask," Nat demands. He hands the mask over to her. "I'm going to put the mask over your face to help you fall asleep," Nat says. She brings  it to your face placing it on your face. You are asleep in a few minutes. Bruce takes out the tracker and destroys it. A few hours later, you wake up you see Natasha sitting beside your bed and some other people in the room. 
"How are you feeling y/n," Bruce asked you. You don't respond instead you look at your leg wrapped in a bandage. "It's gonna hurt for a little bit but it will get better," Bruce says to you.
"I'm fine do whatever you have to do to me," you say with no emotion. "We aren't going to do anything to you y/n," Nat said. "Why do you want to kill Natasha Tony asks you. You don't respond. "Keep an eye on y/n. Tony I need to talk to you," Nat says as she stands up. The two of them go in another room. "Tony Dreykov is controlling y/n. I'm gonna call someone so they can help her get out of his control," Nat says. She goes to another room and calls someone. The jet lands at the Avengers Compound. A blond man tries to pick you up but you punch him making him stumble. "Romanoff since she seems to like you carry her in," the tall guy orders. "Stark don't boss me around ever," Nat says glaring at him. Nat picks you up having your legs wrapping around her waist. You fight Nat for a few minutes in vain. Nat brings you to some kind of lab setting you down a medical bed. "If you are gonna put something in me do it already," you say unbothered. "We are not going to do anything to you I promise," Nat says. "Yeah right," you say glaring at her. "Hi Natasha," a blonde hair girl says well entering the room. You recognize that voice. You glance over at the person. You see a vial in her hand. You get up walking over to her you try grab the vial from her but before you can she breaks the glass. Red mist goes over your eyes.
"Where the hell am I," you ask. "Language," a blond hair man says. You look over at him "I don't care I can say what I want," you sass. "You are at the Avengers Compound," a tall guy says. "Ok who are the fucking avengers? Are they some dressed up people that fight for peace or something," you say. Yelena laughs, "I'm glad you find that funny and I t's nice to see you again Lena," say hugging her. "We are the Avengers and we do fight for peace," a female voice says. You recognize that voice you spin around quickly looking  directly at her. "Hi y/n,"she says. "No I just can't," you say running out of the room despite the pain. "What the hell just happened," Tony asks. "Y/n is my daughter. She was born in the red room," Nat says. "I'm going to check on her," Yelena says. She finds you in the living area and she sits next to you. "Hey," Yelena says. "Hi Yelena. Why is she here," you ask. "You mean your Mama," she asks. You want to correct her but you just can't for some reason. "Yes, why is she here," you ask again. "Well she's an Avenger. Why don't we go back you look like you're in a lot of pain," Yelena says. "No I'm fine," you say while trying to ignore the pain. "Let's just go anyways so you can rest," she says. "Ok fine,"you say giving in because your too tired to argue. You walk back to the lab with Yelena behind you.

A/n: I hope you enjoy the first chapter.

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