Chapter 2 Explanation

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Everyone was still in the lab. You ignore them and walk to the bed laying down. "Y/n can we talk," your mom asks. "No," you say bluntly. You turn away from her. You drifted off to sleep thinking about the promise Nat made you.

6 years ago you were five years old
"малышка (baby girl) I'm going to be gone for a while be good and listen to the adults I know you don't want to. I will come back for you I promise," she said.
"Ok Mama I'll be good," you said. Nat gave you a kiss on your forehead.
You wake up in the middle of the night you turn your body to see if anyone else was in the room. Natasha is still there sitting next to the bed. "Why did you leave me there Natalia,"you ask. You could tell that you hurt her by calling her real name by the look in her eyes. "I'm sorry y/n. Can I please explain," Nat asks. "Why should I let you explain," you ask angrily.
"I love you y/n," Nat says. "Then why did you leave me there if you love me," you ask with no emotion in your voice. "I went back for you. I asked Deykov where you were but he told me that you died to pay for my escape.
My heart shattered when I found out that you died. When I saw you I was so happy," she says. "Dreykov told me that you abandoned me. I didn't believe him at first. I waited for you but after a while I believed him," you say with sadness in your voice. "I know you don't trust me right now but hopefully you can trust me again someday," she says. You just nod. You went back to sleep after a little while.
You wake up in the morning. You looked for Natasha but she wasn't there which made you scared. "Hello y/n how are you feeling," the purple shirt guy asks. "Fine, have you seen Natasha," you ask him. "No but I can get her for you if you want," he says. "No it's fine you say. The same tall guy from yesterday came into the lab. "Fury will becoming in few hours," the tall guy told the purple shirt guy. "Who is this Fury," you ask.
"He's the boss," the tall guy responds. Nat enters the room. "Hi y/n," she says. "Hello Natalia," you respond. "Nat Fury will becoming over in a few hours," the tall guy tells Nat. "Ok thanks Tony," Nat says. "Are you Tony," you ask curious. "Yes I am," he responds. The guy with the purple shirt introduced himself. "I'm Dr. Bruce Banner but you can call me Bruce," he says. "Hi Bruce," you say a little scared but you don't show it.
"Can y/n leave the lab," Nat asks Bruce. "Yes she can leave but if anything else hurts bring her back," Bruce told Nat. "Hey y/n do you want to come with me," Nat asks. "Yeah I guess," you say. You went with her. "Do you wanna get cleaned up,"she asks you. "Yeah ok," you say. "I'll wait out here. You can get cleaned in my bathroom," Nat says. You clean yourself up. "You can borrow some of my clothes until we can go shopping," she tells you. You put on one of her shirts it was huge on you but you didn't care. "I think my clothes are little bit big on you,"she says chuckling. "Yeah I think so but I don't mind," you say. A voice speaks, "Agent Romanoff Director Fury will be here soon for the meeting," the voice says. "Who's that," you ask. "It's Jarvis an AI," Nat tells you. You are confused but you don't ask anything else about it. "Let's go," she says. "Where are we going," you ask. "To the meeting room to wait to talk to Fury," she tells you. You follow Nat to the meeting room and sit down on a chair. She sits next to you. You are spinning in the chair you find it amusing. "Can you stop spinning please," she asks. "Yeah sure" you say. As you stop the chair other people start coming in. They sit around the table.

You start to fidget and start spinning in the chair out of boredom

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You start to fidget and start spinning in the chair out of boredom.
A man with an eye patch comes in. He sits at the front of the room. You feel the chair stop suddenly. "Woah,"you say surprised. "Can you sit still in the chair during this meeting," Nat asks. "Yeah, I can sit still," you say knowing that you won't be able to stay still. She doesn't believe you. Nat moves you onto her lap. "What the heck," you say. "I know if I let you sit in the chair you will just start spinning," she says. "Ugh," you say trying to get of her grip. "Not happening behave," Nat tells you. You just nod. The man with eye patch looks at you a little shocked. "What's your name," he asks. "My name is y/n," you answer with no emotion in your voice. "How old are you," he asks. "I don't know how old I am," you say. You stopped keeping track of how old you were when your mom left. "Who sent you here and why," he asks. "I don't know who sent me and why," you say lying with no emotion. "Agent Romanoff I didn't know you had a daughter," he says to Nat. "Yes sir I have a daughter but I thought she died until yesterday. By the way y/n is eleven years old. Y/n is a widow she was under Deykov's control," your mom tells him. I thought you destroyed the red room," he says. "I thought I did too sir," Nat responds to the eye patch man. "No Natasha didn't destroy the red room. The attack only made the red room stronger," you say. "My name is Fury," the eye patch man tells you. "Hello Fury if you want to punish me or anything do it," you say to him unbothered. "Why would I do punish you," he asks. "Because I lied to you sir. Just get it over with," you say with no emotion. "No, I'm not gonna punish you for lying," Fury says.
Nat turns you around so she can look at you.
"Y/n no one will hurt you ever again I promise," she says."Please don't make a promise that you can't keep," you tell her. "I'm going to protect you baby and I won't let anyone hurt you," Nat tells you. You missed hearing her call you that name so much. "Thank you," you say genuinely. "So we need to stop the red room," Fury tells Nat. "Yes we do, we will need to come up with a plan.  Also make more antidotes. Yelena and I will go once we come up with a plan," your mom says. "No, you two are not going alone I'm coming with you," you say. "You are not coming y/n I can't lose you. I just got you back and I can't lose you again baby," your mom says. "I'm not going to let you do this without me. I want to end Dreykov. I need to end him after everything he did to me," you say. "No your not going and I will make him pay for hurting you," she says with a little anger in her voice. "No I'm going I can't lose you again either. I just can't please," you saying with sadness in your voice. "You won't baby I promise," she says. "Please stop making promises I don't want what happened last time to happen again. Mama please let me come and do this with you. I can't lose you not again," you beg. "Your not going to lose me," she says well pulling you closer to her. You wrap your arms around her neck putting your head in the crook of her neck. "Its ok everything is going to be fine," your mom says well rubbing your back. You eventually let go of her neck."Don't mention this to anyone or I'll end you," you tell everyone in the room. "Geez ok we won't, but it's ok to be vulnerable and love," Tony says. "No it's wrong to show vulnerability. Plus love is for children. If you don't believe me just ask Yelena or Ma I mean Natasha Tony," you say. "Ok sorry mini Romanoff," he says. You don't correct him you liked that he called you that. Everyone one introduces themselves to you. "So am I going to prison or something," you ask Fury. "No you are not, you are staying here with your mom," he tells you. The meeting was soon over. Everyone has left expect for you and your mom. "Do you want to get off my lap or do you want me to carry you," your mom asks. "Second option please," you say without hesitation. She carrie's you to the living area. She sits down with you still in her arms. "I'm sorry that I called you by your real name Mama," you say with sadness in your voice. "It's ok I understand. I'm just so glad to have you back baby and I'm never gonna let you go again," your mom says. You nod in agreement and smile. You are incredibly happy to back in your mother's arms. "I love you Mama," you say. "I love you too Детка (baby),"  she says in response. You rest your head in the crook of her neck content.

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