Chapter 3 Bonding With Natasha (Mama)

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Warning mentions of the red room
(Russian maybe off)
The others come to the living room and see you on Nat's lap. "Awe you two look adorable," Sam says. You look up, "Shut up Sam," you say tiredly. "Are you tired baby?" your mom asks. "Kinda of Mama. I don't wanna go to sleep though. Can you sing for me?" you ask her. "Sure baby," she answers. "Wait Nat you can sing," Tony asked shocked. "Yeah, I can sing but I don't do it often," she answers. "I love it when you sing Mama. I've missed hearing you sing so much," you say with tears in your eyes. "I'll sing to you whenever you want me to baby," your mom says well wiping your tears. Nat sings you a Russian lullaby that she used to sing to you when you were little. You fall asleep almost instantly. "Guys be quiet if you wake her up your dead," Nat tells the team quietly. "Ok we got it. No waking up y/n," Bucky says quietly. You stir a little but don't wake up cuddling even closer to your mom. After a few hours you wake up. "Hello sleepyhead did you have a good nap?" your mom asked. "Yeah, kinda of I had a little nightmare though," you respond. "Was it about the red room?" she asked concerned. "Yeah it was," Aww I'm sorry Детка (baby)," she says well placing a kiss on your forehead. "Your safe now no one will be able to hurt you ever again. We need to go shopping for some clothes for you," she says.
"Yeah ok but only if you carry me around," you say smirking. "Oh look the little assassin wants to be carried by the big assassin," Tony says chuckling. "Tony Stark you better start running," you say well getting off your mother's lap. You chase him around the living room and tackle him to the ground. "Tony leave me alone, I haven't seen Mama in six years so if I want be carried like a toddler so what. Do you want to know what happened to me in the red room when Mama left?" you asked rhetorically. You don't even give Tony a chance to respond when you start telling him and everyone else in the room. "I started my training. I waited for Mama to come for me but she never did. I was turned into a killer I was brainwashed but fought it off until they found another way to control me. I was the called the Red Widow. I was efficient and ruthless killing my targets. But ever time I failed a mission I was punished which wasn't very often but when I did fail I was tortured for hours. They didn't kill me because they needed me. I was the best widow they had since Mama," you told him with no emotion. You got off Tony and left the room.
In the living room everyone else was shocked. "TONY WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE THAT JOKE?" Nat angrily yelled.  "At least I got her tell us what happened to her in the red room" he said. "Yes but that's not how I wanted to find out," Nat said annoyed. "I've heard of the Red Widow before. I just never thought it would be a kid," Bucky says. "I'm gonna go check on y/n," Nat says. She looks everywhere but eventually she finds you in her room curled up in her king sized bed. She goes to the bathroom getting the first aid kit and a bandage. She went over to her bed and sits next to you on the bed. "I need to re-bandage your leg baby," she says. You reluctantly get out of your ball. She gently removes your bandage and cleans your wounds. You gritted your teeth because it hurts. "Mama it hurts stop please," you say grimacing. "I'm almost done just hang on a little bit more baby," she says. "Hurry please it really hurts," you say. "All done Y/N are you ok? Baby please answer me," she asks her voice laced with concern. You still don't answer so she picks you up holding you close to her chest. You look up at her. "Mama it's wrong to show vulnerability and love," you say. "No it's not, it's what makes us human. I thought it was wrong to love and be vulnerable too but when I had you everything changed," your mom says well stroking the top of your head. You knew then that it was ok show your vulnerable side sometimes. "Mama can I have some food?" you ask. "Sure let's go to the kitchen and get some food. Oh by the way after you eat Bruce is going do a check up on you," she says. "No no no I don't need a check up I'm perfectly fine," you say terrified.  "It's going to be ok mоя любовь (my love) I'll be their with you the whole time," she says stroking your hair. "I don't care I don't want the check up," you say. "I'm sorry baby but you have to have one," she says softly. Nat gets up with you still in her arms.  Your stomach grumbles. "Let's go get you something to eat," your mom says. Nat carries to the kitchen and sets you down in a chair. "What do you want to eat Y/N?" she asks you. "I don't know you decide," you say. "How about peanut butter sandwiches?" she asks. "Yes please," you say. Nat makes two peanut butter sandwiches cutting them in half. She gets two plates and places them on the plates. "Can I have a drink please?" you ask. "Yes baby you can," your mom says well opening up the fridge. She pours milk into two glasses setting them down.  Nat places one of the glasses in front of you and the other next to you. She sits next you and eats with you. You eat a little fast. "Slow down y/n. The food won't be going anywhere," your mom says. 
After you two finish the food she takes you by the hand and walks you to the lab. "What can I do for you two?" Bruce asks Nat. "Can you do a check up on Y/N?" Nat asks. "Sure y/n can you hop up on the bed?" he asks. You move to the bed but don't hop up onto it. "Can you sit on the bed please?" Bruce asks you. "No I don't want to. Please don't make me please," you beg."Baby do you wanna sit on my lap and do the check up like that?" your mom asks. You just nod. "Bruce is it ok if you do the check up like that?" Nat asks him. "It's perfectly fine Nat," he says. She sits down on the bed you climb onto her lap. Bruce dose a quick check up. "Nat Y/n is malnourished but other than that she is healthy. She dose need to be updated on her vaccines though. Would you like me to do that now or later?" he asks. "Now  so she doesn't have to do it later," Nat responds. "Ok let me just get the stuff," he says. "Baby you are doing such a good job. Bruce's is gonna give you some shots to make your immune system stronger," your mom tells you. "No no no no I don't want the shots Mama,"you say terrified. "Why do you not want the shots y/n?"she asks. "I was injected with stuff in the red room to make me stronger. Also to enhance my hearing and make my reflexes faster," you reply. "Oh I'm sorry baby. Did they do the ceremony on you?" she asked concerned. "No they didn't do the ceremony," you respond. "That's good to know. Do you still want to have the shots?"she asks you. "No not really but I'll do it for you," you say. "Ok thank you for doing this baby," she says. Bruce comes back with a couple of syringes. "Y/n can you please roll up your sleeves?" he asks. "Yeah I can," you say well rolling up your sleeves. You look at the syringes and start to panic. "Y/N are you ok," your mom and Bruce ask in unison. "Y- yeah I'm fine you say with a stutter. Your eyes glow. You shape-shift into a wolf. You jump off of your mom's lap on to the floor and back away terrified. "Y/n you are ok. It's ok baby," your mom says kneeling down on the floor. You slowly approach her just then Steve, Bucky, and Tony come into the lab. "Woah why is their a wolf in the lab," Tony asks confused. "I don't know why their is a wolf in here Tony but we need to set the the wolf free. The wolf is probably terrified of us," Steve says. He slowly starts to approach you. You let a low growl. "It's ok wolf I won't hurt you I just want to help you," he says. "Guys that wolf is y/n," Nat says. "No that can't be possible," Bucky says.
"Y/N its ok. Come here Детка (baby)," your mom calls to you. You run to her and lick her hands. "Oh my goodness it is y/n," Bucky says shocked. "Y/N can you turn back now please?" she asks. You shake your head. You let out little whimpers looking at her. "What do you want baby? You don't have to have the shots," she says. You nudge her legs and continue to whimper. "Nat I think she wants you to sit down," Bruce says. Nat sits down on the floor. You climb into her lap and lay down. "Do you guys need anything?" Bruce asked the three of them. "Do you know where the syringes are? We need them we are doing an experiment," Steve asks. You begin to whimper. "It's ok baby no one's going to hurt you," your mom says. "Did I say something wrong?" Steve asks concerned. "No  you didn't Y/N's afraid of syringes and needless," Nat responds. You turn back to your regular form. "Sorry about that guys I didn't mean it. Mama I want the shots," you say "It's ok baby. Are you sure you want the shots?" she asks. "Yes I want them but I'm scared," you tell her. "It's ok to be scared just hold on tight to me," she says. "Ok Mama," you say. Bruce gives you the shots well you hold onto Nat. "I'm so proud of you for doing this. Bruce is almost done,"she says. "I'm all done. Y/N's arms might be a bit sore for the next couple hours," Bruce tells Nat. "Ok thank you Bruce. Let's go get you some clothes for you," Nat says. "Ok let's go," you say.
    Nat walks you out of the lab and to the garage. You get in the passenger side of the car and your mom goes to the drivers side. She drives you two to the mall. You two walk into the mall and walk to a store full of people. You look through some clothes confused. "Pick out some clothes you like," Nat says to you. You nod in response. You picked out some polio shirts and black leather jackets. You also picked out some shorts and pants. "Is that everything you want y/n?" your mom asks. "Yeah, it is by the way thank you Mama for buying me all this," I say well hugging her. "Your welcome but Tony is actually buying all this. We just need to go to a shoe store and get you some shoes and other footwear," she says. "Ok let's go I like shopping but I rather be training," you said. You and your mom both went to a shoe store and got some shoes and other footwear. "Can we go home now?" you ask. "In a couple of minutes," your mom says. "Ok please hurry up," you say. You guys check out and head to the car driving back to the compound.
    "Can I go hangout with aunt Yelena?" you asked. " Yes, you can. Be careful and have fun," mom said. See you later Mama," you say well running into the compound. Auntie Yelena were are you? Aunt Yelena? You looked all over her. Suddenly you hear her laugh.

A/N I am sorry I left you on a cliffhanger....
I hope you enjoy the read. 😊🍉🥟🍪🥠🥠🥠😊😊😎😎😎

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