4. stoned and alone

776 21 63

tw talk of being stoned and weed
y/ns pov
the next day 9:45 am.

for FUCKS SAKE. im seriously gonna kill whoever invented this alarm sound. like its is so awful.
*1 Notification from Sheila*
Sheila: Hi (y/n)! i was wondering if your could come by at around 11 today because we are leaving at around 2 and I just want to make sure that your all set! Feel free to bring anything you need.

you: Hi! yes ill be there!
i seriously need to shower. aaaand i get to see kyle (😍😍😍😍😍😍😍) again even if it's only for a few hours.
after my shower i decided to throw on a cropped crew neck with the neck part cut out (collarbones🤭🤭) and a pair of leggings with some ugg slippers. I straightened my hair and threw on some makeup (and snapped my hoes back ofc).

honestly the only reason i'm looking forward to meeting new people at school is so i can go to parties. like im not an alcoholic but if i have an excuse to drink i will. (that's the literal definition of an alcoholic btw..)  which is another reason i'm sad the 16 year old next door has to leave with his family. p a r t i e s🙌🏼.

10:35 am

i decided that a plain bagel and cream cheese would be a good breakfast. oh and because the lord hates me, my period just HAD to start today. it's not like i'm getting any action anyways..
I decided to leave the house a few minutes early, mostly because i was bored but i also want to show that i'm a good kid ya know?

as i walk in the house, i'm instantly greeted by sheila. they had so many suitcases behind them. how long are they going for again?

"(y/n)! Hi hun how are ya?" Sheila says as she greets me with a hug. "Hey!! i'm good. i'm guessing you guys are excited!" i'm sensing some tension in the room as i walk in and put my purse on my the counter. "well we are but kyle went out with his buddies earlier and we just cannot get a hold of him. at this point i'm thinking it's best that we leave him here. he doesn't wanna go anyways. "
is it my lucky day?

"oh! well if he does stay i really wouldn't mind staying and helping out especially because i'm guessing he likes to see his friends. and it's not like i have anything to do."
and i need the money still.

1:30 pm

a few hours have passed of me just sitting on the couch while the entire family frantically calls everyone in town. shit. this seemed serious.
kyle apparently wasn't the type to go out and do stuff like this so they really were worried.

1:54 pm
it's almost time for them to leave when we hear the door creep open. it was kyle. and he looked.. stoned..?

"kyle brofloski! where on earth were you?"
honestly this kid didn't even look like he was on this planet. i want what he's on tbh. "mom i'm sorry my phone died when i went out with stan and i didn't know when we were leaving. "
okay so he is noticeably high. this is funny  
"are you- are you stoned? this is not like you kyle i can't even look at you right now. you know what? your- your grounded and you are NOT coming with us to visit our family."
i noticed a subtle smirk on his mouth. am i allowed to laugh? no right? yeah no.
"that's fine. i'm sorry."

after he said that, he walked right to his room and i heard the door shut. i wanted to ask if i still had to stay, but she looked kinda pissed so i just kept quiet.
they ended up leaving a few minutes later. i guess they were really leaving him here.

authors note or whatever
kyle the stoner.. sounds cool idk

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