Chapter One, Facing The Facts

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"Korryn! My Macchiato?!" My eyes widened as I heard Evan yelling out to me from down the corridor. "Y-yes, sir! Be right there!" She winced as she realized she had, now, searing hot espresso pouring down her delicate fingers. She quickly grabbed the napkins, that had been neatly stacked for the staff, to wrap her fingers. Cleaning them off quickly, she hurriedly rushed to Evan's office to hand him his coffee.
"Uhm. On the counter, you dunce; Can't you see I'm busy?" I was angered, again. Busy? Doing what?!Showing that new hire how to put some paint on a canvas? I rolled my eyes as he was clearly flirting with the busty blonde woman. Clearly over his antics of flaunting his arrogant pride, I set the coffee on the counter and held a false smile. "Anything else, sir?" "Yeah. Stop with that creepy ass smile."
I hurriedly left the room as it was about to be 5:00 P.m. Mr. Burnsby still needed his evening tea. "Ah, Ms. Korryn!" I stopped to see Mrs. Burnsby, the drop-dead gorgeous wife of Mr. Burnsby. "Mrs. Burnsby! How wonderful for you to stop by again!" She held a wide smile on her face as she stopped me by my shoulders. I never understood her enjoyment of me, but my only guess was because I always tried to take good care of her husband. That and maybe she had some sort of fascination with my race. "Would you please fix me a cup of tea as well, Darling? Two sugars." I smiled. "As always!"
I took my time to make their tea the best I could. Giving a scalding hot water-based tea with two teabags for Mr. Burnsby and a scalding milk based tea with one tea bag and two sugars to Mrs. Burnsby. I placed them on their pattened silver tray and headed to Burnsby's office. As I was walking as smoothly as possible, I calmly twisted the handle and ceacked the door, knocking before i entered.
A giggly, "Come in!" Ruptured from the both of them. I reactively smiled as those two were true hopeless romantics for each other. Who knew a Siren and a Centaur could hit it off so well? I opened the door to find them smiling at me expectantly. I placed the tea down onto the desk in front of them. "Is there something you two are plotting against me?" I made a nervous smile as Ms. Burnsby chuckled a bit. Then Mr. Burnsby began to speak up, "Korryn, it's time for us to all face the facts."
Immediately, my heart sank into my stomach. Is that why they were giggling so much? Laughing at crushing my dreams so soon into life?! I'm twenty-two and still dont have a real job. I've been too busy chasing a dream solate in life. What am I to do now?! Go sell my organs like other humans have to the less delightful creatures on the black alley?
"What do you mean, Mr. Burnsby?" I tried to say without a trace of unnerving in my voice. Mrs. Burnsby began to speak up. Her voice dulled and was monotonous. A tone I, personally, have never heard from her before. "Dear, don't sound so anxious. You are not food." My eyes widened not at what she said but more the tone. She has always been happy-go-lucky around me since day one. I never wanted to dissatisfy her.
"What my wife is trying to say is to show more decorum. As a human, you have to hold your own self higher as those around you are ready to put you under them. Fast. We simply don't want to see you end up in that position as today we plan to give you a job."
"A JOB....?!"

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