Chapter Six: There

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     I awoke to a heavy presence over my body. My eyes opened slightly, and with the room barely illuminated by the moon, I could tell it was still night. "Jeryn. Get out of my dreams it's over." I groaned out at him. He had the ability to travel into the dreams of people he wished to do things to. It was our only way of having intimacy without actually having intimacy. As I felt a cold hand touching my waist under my loose fitting t-shirt, I looked up, confused at the being before me.
     All I could see was a black shadowy figure before me with white glowing eyes staring into my own. Shaken. Who was this? Amongst the shadows, I could see four large black horns that had chain linked cuffs adorning them. He stared back at me quizzically. As if he, too, had no idea why he were there. His touch was so cold at first, but now that his hand had time being attached to my waist, it had warmed up. He and I both felt this reaction, and his instinct was to bury his body on top of mine.
     The bare chill had me wince before it eventually became warm, and I had melted into it. The feeling of comfort and warmth made me want to sleep like this forever. I felt calm in this strange situation. There was a noise. Faint and light but continuous. What was it? Faded and far away until it became louder and louder until it was now blaring. My alarm!
     Instantly, I sprung out of bed to stop my alarm. I groaned loudly at the dream I'd just wanted so badly to be back in. "If my future man isn't like that, I dont want him." I sighed, getting up to ready myself for the day. Brushing my teeth, combing my hair, placing it up in a messy bun, putting on my usual skin care products, and getting dressed, I went to check on my painting. It had dried completely, and i gathered my portfolio up, being sure to place the painting in so as not to get crumpled up. "I need to draw that man from my dreams when I get back, but with more detail." With that, I headed out to the bus.
     Eventually, I made it to my new job and went inside. I made my way to the training division. There was a small room at the center of a much larger waiting area with a large window, partitioning at the bottom, with an attendant waiting on the other side. "Hi there! I'm a new trainee for the design team!" They nodded as they pointed to the chair, "Yes, please take a seat. Someone will be with you shortly." I nodded, doing as he asked as I sat and waiting to be attended.
     Soon, a woman came calling my name to follow her. She was a Naga with a pearlescent, white tail, and albino features. She spoke in a hushed tone with the typical Nagan accent. I followed her as she slithered towards a door that opened up to a long hallway. At the end of the hallway were a set of glass double doors.
     My nerves had set in as we reached the doors and opened them to see a full board of people. The boss is sitting in the middle chair of a long black table. Beside him on the left was a male High Elf and a Dwarven Woman. On his right sat a Faery woman and a Drakken man. Mr. Burnsby spoke up once I came in, "Ms. Mourns. I'm glad you could make it this morning. Please take your time and spread out your portfolio. When you're done, take a seat." I nodded and began to use various easels to place my works, showing all sorts of techniques and sketches. I made sure to put my final piece on the biggest easel to showcase it. Once I was done, I sat as asked.
     Once I sat down, the board stood up and began walking over to my art
They all studied them in hushed tones, some whispering to one another about the art. After they were done, they all sat back into their respective chairs. "Ms. Mourns, please come step back in front of us." Mr. Burnsby said in a plain tone. I did as he asked and waited.
     The Dwarven woman began to stand and speak, "Korryn, your technique in keeping your products well finished and quite alive is impressive, however, I wish you would place them inside of framing to keep some of these works finished." I nodded and smiled at her, to which I was greeted with the same from her before she sat back down. Then the Drakken man stood, "Although I like your techniques in paint, I simply don't think you would be a good fit for my side of the corporation." He smiled and sat back down after I had nodded. Then the Faery rose from her seat, fluttering her shimmery wings. She spoke excitedly in a brit's accent, "Your use of color is absolutely stunning! Especially in your sky works! I could definitely use you in our department on the children's design team!" I smiled as she sat back in her seat. Well, that was a yes! That's always a good sign! Then the elven man stood, "You're techniques need work and some of the subject matter of your paintings are elementary. You have emotion, but no frame of reference. There is a lot you need to work on here." I nodded but was a bit defeated as he sat back down and Mr. Burnsby stood up.
     "All those in favor of Ms. Mourns working in their departments raise their hands now." I looked around before the Faery raised her hand calmly and spoke, "I, Wexly Reese, lead designer of the children's department, would be honored to have Korryn Mourns on our team." I smiled, and that is when the Dwarven woman and Drakken man stood up. The Dwarven woman then spoke, "I, Harriet Gunkle, will not accept any more employees into the preservation department." Then the Drakken man spoke directly after, "I, Klev Zepher, will not accept any more employees  into the spontaneous art department." I nodded smiling at them and then looked over in shock at the Elven man, who had his hand raised politely in the air. "I, Yestaire Xütdair, lead artist of the painting department, would be honored to have Korryn Mourns on our team."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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