Chapter One: The Raven's Friendship Scheme

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The nightmare started with a dream.

For some reason, in my dream, I was a raven, my feathers dark as the midnight sky.

Well, the midnight sky if there were no stars.

Or the moon.

Eh, you get the idea.

I was soaring above a darkened forest, my wings tipping to catch the air currents to keep me aloft longer.

I loved that feeling.

My whole life, I've always longed to fly.

Not like your standard way of flying with an airplane or a helicopter.

But free, unrestrained flight.

But that's not possible.

Suddenly, I swerved down towards the trees, dodging branch after branch as I flew near the forest floor.

There was so much blood on the ground.

And yet.. I felt like I was...looking for something.

Looking for someone.

But who?

Suddenly, a sharp pain shoots through my right wing, and a loud sound rings through my head.

I fall towards the bloodstained ground, no longer able to fly.

Just as my body hits the ground, my eyes fly open.

I find myself laying on my bed, my blankets off my body and my right arm under my body.

So that's where the pain in my dream came from.

I sit up to find my body covered in sweat.

That's odd.

Something falls onto the bed as I sit up and I look down to see my phone on the sheets under me, having fallen off my pillow.

I pick it up and turn on the screen to find a notification.

It must have been sitting right by my head.

Well, that's where the sounds in my dream came from.

I sigh and sit crosslegged next to the open widow behind me and open the messaging app on my phone.

I know exactly who has been texting me.


Columbina 🌺:
Hey vampire boy~

Childe 🥵🔥:
Hey hey vampire boy @Scaramouche

Scaramouche 🐦:
Tf do you want?
And why are you calling me vampire boy?
Fuck you you woke me up

Childe 🥵🔥:
Aww, poor baby, we woke you up 🥺

You didn't hear?
Check the news or smth

Scaramouche 🐦:
Why tf are you calling me vampire boy?

Columbina 🌺:
Cause you're like
Dark and emo
If anyone at school was actually a vampire it'd be y o u ~

Childe 🥵🔥:
Well, you or that black and green haired guy with the perpetual glare 🤷

Scaramouche 🐦:
Bitch my own mother is the leader of the Vampire Hunters
It's literally impossible for me to be one

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