Episode 11: Awaiting Her Return

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"Hey, Kora, is everything okay?" Ray asked gently, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Kora looked at Ray, her eyes filled with tears. She shook her head as 'NO'.

Ray's worry deepened, and she asked softly, "Kora, why are you crying? Is something bothering you?"

Despite Ray's questions, Kora couldn't hold back her tears.

Manathi noticed her crying and approached them, asking, "What happened? Why are you crying?"

Shriyan came over and said, "Hey Koo, we're here for you. Whenever you're ready, you can talk to us."

Kora, still crying, managed to speak, "I-I tried calling Peninsu, but she's not answering. I'm worried something might be wrong."

As Kora tearfully explained the situation,her voice trembling with emotion, she shared her regrets, "Actually, she called me 3 days ago, but I was busy and couldn't pick up. When I tried calling her back later, she didn't answer. I thought she would call me again, but she hasn't contacted me since then. Now I'm remembering it all."

Tears streamed down Kora's cheeks as she blamed herself, "I should have taken her call that day. I feel so stupid. I'm afraid her parents might hurt her."

The three of them looked at each other, concern evident on their faces.

They didn't ask Kora more questions, understanding that she was still crying and needed time to compose herself.

After a moment, Kora finally stopped crying, gazing outside, while Ray stayed by her side, visibly concerned.

Shriyan sat beside them, offering his support as well.

Ray gently asked, "Are you feeling better now?"

Kora replied softly, "I don't know."

Ray called her name again, "Kora."

Kora looked at Ray, her eyes still filled with sadness. "What do you mean that her parents hurt her?" Ray asked.

Before Kora could explain, Manathi came over and handed Kora something to eat, her expression full of empathy and care.

She settled down to listen to Kora's explanation. "Peninsu had told me before that her parents don't support her dreams. They want her to focus on household work and marry someone they choose for her."

Kora began, her voice wavering with emotion. "She also said they treated her badly in the past."

Ray's eyes widened in shock, and Manathi and Shriyan exchanged worried glances.

"I had no idea," Ray said, her voice filled with concern.

Manathi put a comforting hand on Kora's shoulder, offering her support.

"Don't worry, I don't think her parents hurt her," Manathi reassured Kora gently, trying to ease her fears.

Kora looked at her, her eyes still filled with sadness, and asked, "How do you know that?"

Manathi replied, "Do you remember? You once told me about her. You said she is a bold girl and can stand up for herself. Maybe she's just avoiding calls for some reason."

Kora considered Manathi's words, desperately hoping she was right.

A glimmer of hope appeared in her eyes as she said, "You might be right."

But the worry still lingered in her voice.

Ray added, trying to comfort her, "Yeah, sometimes people need some time alone. But if you're still worried, we can try calling her later or maybe visit her place if you know where she lives."

Kora agreed with a soft response.

Days passed and Kora tried everything she could to reach Peninsu, but she still didn't get a response.

She asked Peninsu's friends in college for her address, but nobody knew it because Peninsu hadn't shared it with anyone.

During these Days....

Every day, Kora would go to Peninsu's class in college to check if she was there, but Peninsu was always absent.

Three to five days passed, and Kora's worry only grew.

One day, while Kora was in the canteen with Jo, Peninsu's class representative approached her and called her name.

Kora looked at her, and the class rep greeted her, asking how she was doing. Kora replied, "I'm fine."

The class representative then said, "I have something to tell you." Kora asked eagerly, "What is it?"

The class rep continued, "Yesterday, Peninsu contacted me, and we talked."

Kora's face lit up with hope, and she asked, "You talked to her? Do you know why she's not coming to college? Did she tell you?"

The class rep replied, "I'm not sure about the reason, but she mentioned that she will be back in 2 days."

Kora felt a sense of relief and happiness hearing this news and thanked the class rep gratefully for sharing the information.

She now had hope that she would soon meet Peninsu.

After college,

Kora went to the cafe. When she arrived, she saw Ray serving the customers. Kora took a seat and sat down.

Ray noticed Kora and approached her with a smile. "Hey, Koo!" Ray greeted her warmly.

Kora asked playfully, "Nowadays you're also calling me like that..."

Ray said with a grin, "It's nice, right?"

Kora replied with a smile, "I love it..."

After settling down at the table, Ray asked Kora, "So, did you manage to find out anything about Peninsu?"

Kora smiled at Ray.

"Yes, I did. Her class representative told me that she spoke to Peninsu yesterday. Peninsu said she'll be back in two days, so I'm relieved to know she's okay," Kora replied.

Ray nodded with a reassuring smile, "That's great news! I'm glad she'll be back soon."

Kora said, "Yeah, me too."

Ray asked, "But why didn't she contact you?"

Kora replied, "Maybe she has some reasons for that. I'm just happy to know she'll be back."

Kora looked happy and she is... but her expression showed a hint of sadness.

But Ray didn't notice and She said, "You're right. I'm sure she'll share everything once she's back."

Kora nodded.

Manathi joined the conversation, and Kora shared the update about Peninsu.


Manathi said, "That's good to hear. Let's hope she returns soon and we can all catch up together."


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