chapter six

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Soon enough, you made it back to the apartment. It's been a bit awkward since the whole thing happened at the first store.

Satoru made sure to get you the cookies you wanted though, plus a little more. The one thing you two talked about on the way home, was what you were going to eat.

"While you order, I'm gonna shower." You say, setting your things on the counter.

He looks at you and watches you disappear. A sigh escapes his lips and he's pulling his phone out to order food.

When you get into the bathroom, you sit on the side of the tub and turn the water on, waiting for it to get hot. As you sit there, you think about the look on Satoru's face when he was looking at Suguru.

Shaking it off, you stand up and strip from your clothes.

You catch a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror and stop, taking a look at yourself. Your hand raises to touch your eye softly, noticing the bruise beginning to fade away.

The shower goes by quickly, knowing it shouldn't take the food too long to get there. You dry off and head to the living room, where Satoru sits in silence, staring at the wall in front of him.

Walking around the couch, you sit beside him and he looks over, smiling softly. "I'm sorry...for earlier."

"I'm just very confused, Satoru." You say, bringing your knees to your chest.

He scoots closer and grabs your hand. "Just trust me."

You stare into his eyes for a moment before looking away. He frowns.

"Hey. We get the kids back tomorrow and then two days after that we move into our brand-new house, with a big backyard and a pool. It's gonna be great. We'll get through things and everything will be okay." He grabs your face, making you look at him. "Let me see those sweet eyes of yours."

It's not that you don't trust do. You need to know what happened that night. It was so sudden. Everything was good until it wasn't. The only thing you remember is waking up the next day with Ieiri.

You feel like shit, groaning as soon as you gain consciousness. Immediately you feel sick, rushing off the bed and going for the closest bathroom, throwing up the remains of alcohol from the night before. "Yeah...never drinking that much again." You mutter, shaking your head.

Ieiri walks in quickly, leaning down to your level. "Are you okay?" She felt stupid for even asking such a thing.

A smile appears on your face and the brunette sighs, helping you up and taking you back to the bed.

Once your body hits the bed, you stare up at the ceiling.

Your best friend stares down at you, a worried look on her face.

A loud crash from downstairs can be heard and she ignores it, taking a seat on the bed beside you, grabbing your hand. "I'm so sorry..." She whispers quietly, but you don't even budge, continuing to stare at the ceiling.

You really don't feel good. And you don't seem to remember anything from the night before. only remember the very beginning of the night.

"Are you okay?" Satoru asks, shaking you lightly.

Snapping out of it, you blink a few times before nodding. "Yeah. I just...I was thinking." You pull away from him and stand up, going into the kitchen to grab some water.

Satoru is watching you, wondering what you were thinking about. There is a list of things it could've been. But he doesn't want to ask. He's scared to ask.

The food gets there and you both sit on the couch, eating while watching some movie he put on.

He notices you're not eating as much. "Are you not hungry?"

You look down at your food, taking notice of how little you've touched. "No, I am. I'm just paying attention to the movie." You tell him with a smile, not bothering to look over at him as you start to eat again.

Satoru gets irritated. "I'm sorry, I don't want this night to be ruined over some stupid shit that happened earlier in the day. I wish we hadn't had ran into him. I know you want to know exactly what happened with everything, but it's a lot. And it scares me."

You pause, looking over at him. "I'm sorry."

He shakes his head, setting his food on the table before him. "No, don't apologize. Let's just eat and finish this movie and then we can lie in bed and talk about whatever you want, does that sound good?"

Nodding your head, Satoru leans in, kissing you. You close your eyes, kissing him back.

When you both pull away, you stare into his eyes.

And you looked at each other a little too long to be just friends.


what happened is just... it's going to be an emotional chapter when revealed, that's for sure.

wish me luck, I'm going to get the things I bought for my ex's apartment today lol. I hate men (unless he is fictional of course)

I will be writing a lot, or at least trying. however, I am going to try to update every Sunday. no promises, as I do work a lot and barely have any free time.

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