chapter twenty-nine

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The day has been calm for the most part, and extremely emotional.

It's late and you walk carefully down the hall with the help of Megumi, who watches you carefully.

Satoru is finishing up some things with Choso before going to bed, which is where you're heading now.

Opening up the door, Megumi guides you into the bedroom you once shared with Satoru many years ago. "Thank you, 'Gumi." You smile while taking a seat on the bed.

He sits beside you silently.

You let out a sigh and glance over at him. His hair is more grown out now and he's so much taller. His voice is also deep. 14-year-old boy compared to the 7-year-old you had to leave behind.

"You know what I wished for on my 7th birthday?" Megumi breaks the silence.

Your brows furrow as you look at him.

"For us to all be happy and be at peace." He says. "But back then it was more of me wanting us all to stay together...with you and dad all the time."

A small smile appears on your face, your eyes watering. "I never meant for any of this to happen."

"Dad worked really hard to get you back. He took care of us, but his main focus was finding you." Megumi says.

"I can't really say much, but hopefully things can be normal soon." You wipe the tears from your cheeks and look away from the boy.

He then stands up. "Until he's dead, I don't think things will be normal."

You watch as he leaves the room and then you cover your mouth with your hand, staring down at the hardwood floor.

It takes everything in you to stop yourself from breaking down.

And thankfully, Satoru enters the room quickly. "I finished up. Choso is going to stay the night here."

Clearing your throat, your hand drops in your lap and you look at him. "Okay."

"What's wrong?" Satoru notices the look on your face, making his way toward you.

"I want this to all be over soon." You answer, frowning.

He nods, getting on his knees in front of you. "Higuruma is coming up with a plan to finally take them all out, with the help of Choso. They'll let me know about it when they finish. Right now, they're giving me time with you."

You stare into his eyes. "I thought you were all dead. I knew nothing for so many years, so I did so many bad things...thinking I had nothing else to live for. Yet somehow, here I am."

Satoru places his hands at your sides, staring up at you. "And that's okay."

"No, it's not, Satoru. Don't tell me that. You don't know what I've done." You shake your head, looking away from his eyes.

He wants to ask and as his lips part for him to finally do it, immediately he purses them instead.

"I've killed for him. And I..." You let out a sigh, closing your eyes. "I did the one thing I said that I'd never do."

"You had no other option." Satoru defends your actions.

Opening your eyes, you look at him. "I'm scared that if I tell you everything, you won't look at me the same. I just got you back, I don't want to lose you."

"You're not going to lose me," Satoru assures.

Sniffling, you let out a breath. "Naoya almost killed me because of something I did."

He looks confused, but he doesn't say anything.

"I'm really sorry, Satoru. I don't want you to hate me." You start crying and you can see the sadness in his eyes. "I don't want you to find out another way, I need you to hear it from me...Toji and I..." You can't continue.

His heart plummets. Letting out a sigh, he looks away. Deep down, Satoru knew that something was going on between them. From how he cared for her to how he looked at her, he knew.

He tries to push his jealousy aside, knowing that you thought he was dead and it's been 7 years.

"Please look at me. I'm truly sorry. I felt lonely with Naoya, and I just...I don't know, he took care of me. But, I love you and only you." You wait for him to give you his attention before you cup his cheeks. "It's always going to be you, Satoru."

The white-haired man remains silent as he stares into your eyes and it nearly breaks your heart.

After a moment, he finally speaks up. "He was going to kill me in that airport. I was desperate to find you, and I followed him into that bathroom where he planned to kill me. He wanted you all for himself."

Your eyes widen. Yet you're not shocked. Toji even admitted to you previously that he's selfish. "I told him I was going to kill him."

"Do you think you can really do that?" Satoru tilts his head.

"I do." You say quietly, nodding, moving your hands from his face. "Believe it or not, I'm pretty good at what I do."

Satoru smiles before resting his head on your lap carefully. You then begin to run your fingers through his soft white hair.

Either way, Satoru didn't need you to kill Toji because he plans to do it himself. If there's one thing he will get right, it's killing him. 

by the way, there is no update schedule as of now. since I feel bad for not updating as often, I will just try to publish the chapters I write when I'm done

hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter <3

introducing a new character soon...any guesses? 

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