
653 27 11

5:05 am

I felt someone holding my hands, I didn't know who was it from but whoever was it from, it's very warm. I slowly opened my eyes and I stared at the ceiling for a bit. A "beep" can only be heard from the monitor. I looked down and realized that this is not my room at all. I then look at my side and saw a head resting on bed while his hands is intertwined to me, that's when I realized from it's hair, I already know who it's belong... To the reason why I was broken hearted. I widen my eyes as I realized it was him. The person I wanted to see the least...


He was suddenly alarmed by me, I removed my hand immediately to him and tries to run

"wait j-joshua! Stop–" I ignored trying to remove the wires attached to me

"A-ah!" I suddenly let out a wince of pain

"i told you shua. Just rest. You still need to re–" I cutted him off

"s-shut up... Why are you here?!" I asked furiously

"not now baby, please just rest. Let's talk this out when you get recovered fully hm?"

I didn't attacked him anymore and slowly lay back again in the bed

"I'm glad you finally woke up shua" he said smiling. But I'm not falling from that anymore.

"Stop it. Go home I can take care of myself." he shook his head

"I don't want you to be alone. Please let me stay here shua" he holds my hand, begging for me and I sighed

"Fine." I said looking away from him

"I finished my work early to see you first than others.." he said looking down and I looked at him

"Y-you have work?" I asked and he nodded

"I'm a CEO of the Yoon's company just 3 weeks ago. And if you ask how many days/weeks you've been in coma, for three weeks also."

"T-that's nice... You finally work for your future family with a girl you're about to marry..." I smiled saying it and he chuckled which made me look at him tilting my head

"What? Am I wrong?"

"Definitely yes"

"How so?"

"You know... Just get some sleep more. I don't want you to think so many things right now. Don't worry, I will tell you all the things happened when you were asleep."he hums which made me get annoyed to him

"stop humming. It's annoying" I furrowed my eyebrows and he chuckled

"you used to like it tho..."

'ok maybe I do like it too...'

"w-well..." I looked away pouting

"cute" I heard from him and I just shrugged it off, because I want to go back sleep

Maybe he's right. I'll wait till I get recover before I know everything. It's too bad for me to get pressured while I just woke up from a coma.

5 minutes later, attempting to sleep but it's not working. And i'm moving too much. When I shouldn't be, I know he's tired too, just from his face, it feels like he's not getting proper sleep anymore.

If I should ask for something to him, will he do it for me...?

"I know you're still awake shua. You can't sleep don't you? You're moving too much. Can I do something for you?" he asks smiling.

"Will it be okay if... If you hum a song to me...? Just for once?" I asks shyly

"Of course! And not just once but I can do it a million times" he said

"T-thank you.." I smiled and he started humming a song while caressing my hair until I fall asleep

To be continued...

Short chap only :-) also I did italic cuz it's beautiful than the normal one. So don't get mistaken by thinking it's a past but it's not.

August 01 (salt air, and a rust on your door🤗☺iykyk)

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