2) Let's Get Wasted

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Felix was leisurely walking to class while being on his phone. Jisung was already there since Felix was running a little late. Like 10 minutes late. Oops.

He entered the lecture hall and saw Mr Bang teaching, as soon as he entered all eyes were on him. He hated it when this happened, it was so awkward. He acted unbothered though and walked up to his seat beside Jisung.

"Care to explain why you're 15 minutes late?" Chan asked and Felix found the perfect opening to mess with him.

"Sorry I'm late, I got here as soon as I wanted to." Felix said and there was flash of annoyance in the professor's eyes.

"I don't give a fuck what you want, get here on time Felix." There was a murmur of 'ooohs' around the room and Felix only rolled his eyes. In Felix's words, 'this was college', his professor could curse as much as he wanted but keeping it a professional conversation.

"It's like you want to get on his bad side." Jisung whispered to him as Felix was getting his things out.

"Maybe." Felix mumbled while glaring holes in Mr Bangs skull when he wasn't looking.

The two continued actually paying attention, thankfully there were no more sarcastic remarks from either of them, including the blond professor, so the class went smoothly. There were questions thrown here and there and even Felix answered a few and the class was nearing the end,

But of course, something had to happen.

Felix's phone started ringing and he tried turning it off as fast as he could but everyone still heard, specifically a particular professor, and he wasn't happy. I think you've gathered by now, Chan hated interruptions when he's teaching, it was a huge sign of disrespect.

"I expect phones to be turned off during class." The blond said and addressed technically the whole room but was obviously addressed to Felix.

"It was an accident." He clarified and Chan simply hummed.

"Besides, it isn't hurting anyone." Honestly there was no need, he could've left it 'accident' but he didn't.

"I don't care, when I ask for something to be done, I expect it to be done." His tone was authoritative and made a lot of people shrink in their seats.

"Well, I also don't care what you 'expect', Its not my fault you've got a stick up your ass." Felix said and this time, the gasps were even louder and murmuring was heard around the room.

"What is wrong with you? Do you have a death wish?" Jisung whispered and Felix ignored him and continued to stare at professor Bang.

"Stay. After. Class. Dismissed, the rest of you." The class could not have left quicker, the professors voice was hella scary right now. It was the end anyway, Jisung too left after whispering a 'good luck' to his bestie.

"What is your problem with me Felix?" Chan asked as he leaned on his desk and crossed his arms, Felix too stood up and came down standing face to face with Chan.

"I don't think I have a problem, unless, do we?" Felix just couldn't help the sarcasm that comes naturally to him.

"I'm not that much older than you Felix, I can read you like an open book." Chan challenged

"Okay, what did you 'read' then?" Felix said with an unbothered face.

"From what I've gathered from just having you in my class for two days, you were neglected as a child, you've got mommy and daddy issues, so naturally sarcasm is your defense to everything. You also have social issues so Jisung is pretty much your only close friend, your brain reacts to everything negatively because that's how you've been treated your whole life. Am I wrong?" Unknowingly to Felix, professor Bang was a lot closer to him than before and Felix felt like he couldn't breath.

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