Untitled Part 10

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We returned to the kingdom of the royals and we was welcomed with opened arms from them, and they instantly accepted Kenny as one their own. We waited for the royals at the great hall with me dressed in a more cooler suit and more styling too; styling enough that I think Kenny is checking me out. Yeah, he's already my boyfriend, but it's fun seeing him check out my sexy body. Kenny wore a leather jacket and blue jeans; though I wished he wore something more formal to show for the royals, but they didn't seem to mind. We waited in front of the throne for Kinny, Lynn, and Neci to join us in what is to happen now that we have arrived. Also, I wonder if everything went well for the royals and their people. I hope they all accepted the royals.

Suddenly, the royals came into the great hall and sat on their thrones; even Micheal joined in, though I don't know if he normally is part of the important decisions. I notice Neci was giving sly looks at Kenny, and with a smile I said,"Hey! He's mine, your highness. He maybe sexy, but he'll only belong to me."then, she smiled at me, and said,"Yes, Sir Andie, but can't help but notice how beautiful his body is.",then, I saw Kenny blushed alil, then said,"Hey. Hey, don't fight over me, your highness. Andie is my man; even though he has changed his gender recently, I still love him."then, Neci lightly laughed and said,"That's good, Kenny. My boyfriend loves me too, even though I am a vampire and I love him even though he's a werewolf. When we get married, we will care for this kingdom together and share our kindness for the world to know.".

I smiled happily hearing all this, but then I remembered something then asked,"Your Majesty, what became of the village and the transgenders?'then, Kinny said,"I am happy to report, Sir Andie, that the kingdom happily accept our apologize for the transgressions of the previous rulers. Though it was not our fault it happened, we should've done something to stop them sooner, but I guess better late then never. It will take some time for our trust to heal, but I know we'll get through with maybe some help from you, Sir Andie.". Wait! Me? Why me? I was about to ask, but the Kenny spoke,"Why should my lover be a part of this, Kinny? What does he have to gain for being a part of this?,"then, Lynn spoke,"A home, Sir Kenny. We would also like you both to live with us in our kingdom. We will provide you both with a home and if you both wish, you can get married as soon as possible.".

Wait! Marriage? So, soon? I looked at Kenny and he looked at me, and... Yes. Marriage sounds like a great idea, but so soon? Kenny spoke again,"But why now, Your Majesty?",then, Micheal walked to us slowly, and said,"Please excuse my Mother and Father. They are just enthusiastic about the people being more opened to show who they truely are, and hopes that someday more will join the kingdom. In fact, Neci has been trying to find ways to send messages across the dimesions for others to come and join us and be free.". Hmm. Interesting, but then I said,"What about criminals, Your highness? Won't take advanage of your hospiltaly?",then, Neci, with a dagger in her hand, said,"If they do, they will answer to me!",then, Kinny said,"But, we can always give them a chance to reddem themselves first, so, they can hopfully learn what chances they can have for a brighter future.".

That.. was so sweet. I started to cry, and Kenny saw me, then smiled at me and held my hand, then he said to the royals,"I would be very happy to join you in the royal family.". Wait! T-The royal family? Us? I looked at him in shock, and said,"B-B-But, Kenny, we are just peasents! We.."then, suddenly, Neci laughed loudly. We looked at her, and I didn't understand why she was laughing, but then she said while pointing her magic staff at us,"You are more then just peasents, Andie. You are.."suddenly, John came in with I guess is his... boyfriend? Wait! HE'S ACTUALLY GAY?! He then spoke speaking to Neci,"Neci, You make that same speech everytime. They know they're a wonderful and strong couple, they're just being modest.",

Heh. I guess in a way we are, but I don't think we are better then another. Why does she want us in the family? "They just want you to feel welcomed, Andie. Also, she thinks she can maybe teach you to be a better mage if you stay.". Oh, no! I forgot all about our training! I've been so busy and worried about my identity that I forgot about my magic training! Oh no! Oh no! Suddenly, Kenny walked to John and his bf and looked at him closely. Kenny, what are you doing? John with a perplexed smile then asked,"You hitting on me, Kenny? I don't he'd like that very much; either would my boyfriend, Felix here,"then, Felix crossing his arms said,"He better not be, or else—"then, Kenny asked,"How good are you at fighting, John? I haven't had a good fight in a long time.".

Oh, Kenny. Kenny. Can't you just go some where without wanting to fight with someone? John smiled then said,"I think I can take you on, Kenny. I've fought many people at sea as a pirate. I can even fight better drunk.",but, then Felix said,"Ehi, fermare che questo istante, John. You are not fighting with our guest. At least, not tonight."then, I said,"And, neither are you, Kenny. Stop fighting for one night and let use enjoy each other. Please, my love?". He looked at me and smiled then came to me, holding my hands and kissing me. I feel so happy now being apart of this family. I hope i can enjoy their company for a longtime.

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