Chapter 1|Dasya

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Isn't that wonderful? The sun has risen! It has risen, the beams shines my room as I woke up. I yawned, I get off from my star-pattern bed. Yes, I need to show off a bit. I went into the nearest bathroom to my room, I open the door and I enter the bathroom.

  After I showered, I walked out from the bathroom, then to my bedroom. Today, I picked to wear white blouse, black beret, black 50 cm skirts, and black long stockings. With also black pants, their length are below knees.

  I just like to style myself like this. It's funny. I look perfectly nice, am I comfortable? It feels normal, not too tight or itchy.

I get out of my room, I went down and I see my mom was in the kitchen. "Hello, mom! You woke up early today!~" I said happily to mom, she turn her eyes on me, replied "Hello, my little child. It seems like you finally can wake at 9 a.m.! I'm proud of you, darling," she pats my head, I snickered. She stopped and take her bag and walks towards the front door.

  "Darling, I'm going to go somewhere. I'll be back in a hour or more." she said, twisting the doorknob and walks out. Leaving with a closed door on me.

  I heard my brother went downstairs, and I turn my head towards the sound, my brother saw me.

  "Hey, girlie. Why are you standing there?," he asked me, wondering why. "Mom left, I don't know where she went." I stated. I was wondering why did she left, it doesn't seem right. Did she try to run from... something?

  After some minutes of playing games with my brother, we both got bored, so we thought of walking down to the street. We wear our school shoes (because we only have slippers) and walk through the neighbourhood and we talk a lot!

  As we walk our way, we saw some random soldiers talking in front of someone's house. Our friends, Rina and Faris was there watching the soldiers talking. "Hey, Faris, Rina! Why are you guys here?" my brother asked them.

  "Oh, hey. We're just thinking about these soldiers. They're the Alithly Soldiers." Faris said, his eyes is still on the soldiers.

  "Who again?" I asked, I got confused. I never heard of Alithly Soldiers before. I heard the Yutich Soldiers and the Hialite Soldiers only.

  "The Alithly Soldiers. They're Alithly. From Zastch. The Country Zastch. We heard them saying that they're searching for a family. I hope it's not any of us though. They might do something," Rina said, worried about it.

   My brother kind of getting worried sometimes, I probably could tell with that random shocked mixed with worried feeling kind of face.

"What are they doing at here? Isn't Corjosha and Virerate are far areas?" my brother asked again, getting curious. "Yea, that's what I've been wondering..." Faris stated.


The soldiers went towards to the way of the right of ours. I'll tell you they're probably wanted to see where they are going. "Let's follow them," Rina pointed to them. I shrugged and follow her, as Dazaf and Faris even went with us.

  "They're going to your street, Sya, Zaf." She warned, her pupils shrinked.

  "What?!" my brother gasped, he was breathless. He was scared, shocked, worried. All the fear emotions was in him.

  I'm actually sweating, my sweat overflows, from my own head to my body. I'm afraid that they're going to our house. I can tell what's happening here. They're searching for mom, and that's a bad thing. A horrible thing. That's why mom went out. She's running away. She's trying to escape.

  Rina stops running, made me accidentally bumped to her. Luckily, we didn't fall. I apologise to her, and moved my eyes upwards, and it got widen. I was right.

   One of the soldier rings the bell, my dad comes out, his eyes was widen. Rina's eyes was widen, Faris's too. Even my brother was shocked. There's no way, that they're not searching for my mom.

  "You...," my dad breathed, staring at the soldiers as if he had lose in a fight. "We need you whole family to come with us." The soldier ordered.

  "We," Dazaf paused, "need to run..." he stated. My eyes are shaking. My brother pulled me and ran away.We keep running and running as if we're almost going out from the neighbourhood, then when we tried to take a turn, we accidentally bump into someone. Ah, yes. My childhood friend! Wait a minute, isn't he from—


  "Ah, good opportunity to try run away, my dear. But you can't." He giggled as he looks down at us.

  "OH MY GOD, IT'S A—HOLE!!," I shouted. Raz sighed in disbelief. "How rude, Dasya. We bump to each other to have your first sentences with me was calling me an a—hole? My, how dare you!," he got disappointed, but he wasn't finish with us both. "Soldiers, get them." His soldiers use some rope to tie our hands at our back. "What the f—, Raz?! Why are you doing this?" my brother snapped, trying to wiggle out from the rope.

  "Oh well, not my fault. My dad and mom needs you and your family. Don't worry, we won't hu—"

Deet-deet-deet-doot, de-de-deet-doot

  Awkward silence between us all. "Oh, Dasya," Raz wanted to ask, "Why would you have a Nokia with you?", "Keep quiet and enjoy the sound." I said.

Deet-deet-deet-doot, de-de-deet-doot

  My brother laughed so hard, "HELP, YOU HAD A NOKIA WITH YOU?" he asked while laughing, I replied, "I DON'T KNOW, I HAVE NO IDEA.", "My dear, what the hell?", "Don't worry, dear! It'll end soon"


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