Sweet Justice Part 1 And Part 2

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We open up to see Callan sleeping in a pile of trash bags his eyes started to flutter open he then got up and took a stretch while yawning he started searching some trash cans to see if their was anything fresh to eat but all the food inside each one of them was rotten Callan sighed in sadness since there was nothing good to eat then he started to hear someone laughing he turned around to see a young boy holding a ice cream cone walking along with his mother and father

Young boy:thanks for getting me ice cream mom and dad

Dad:you deserved it son after all the hard work you did at school

Mom:yes you certainly do say how about we go to the park later and have some fun

Young boy:yeah

They walked away together while laughing in joy Callan watched them in sadness since it reminded him of what he didn't have tears started to well up in his eyes he then curled up and started crying but he stopped when everything around him started shaking he covered his ears due to the noise and breathed heavily in panic he checked his surroundings to see what was happening when he turned around he was shocked to see cracks forming inside of the wall more cracks appeared until suddenly a portal opened up

Callan looked at it in curiosity suddenly he felt the portal pulling him in along with other things in desperation Callan held on to a wheelie bin as tight as he could but unfortunately the handle broke off the portal then sucked Callan in transporting him into a new world before closing

Another world

We see the beautiful sky with it's amazing blue color until the portal opened up and everything that got sucked into it fell out we start to hear screaming Callan fell out of the portal and landed in a wheelie bin Making a giant thud he groaned in pain and stepped out he started checking his surroundings to see where he was and saw he was in an alley of some sorts he looked up to see that the portal was gone and sighed in disappointment he walked out of the alley to see giant buildings and lots of people walking around he looked to see a big sign that said welcome to metropolis he was starting to wonder why he got transported into this world his thoughts we're interrupted when he heard screaming he saw people running away in panic Callan stood there anxiously and covered his ears due to the screaming he then saw what everyone was running from it was a big green monster with 4 eyes and very few tentacles Callan stood there in fear and panic the monster saw Callan and was about to grab him with it's tentacles but before it could someone tackled Callan onto the street Callan looked to see who rescued him and saw it was a girl she had light blue eyes dark blue hair she was wearing a golden tiara with an alabama-red star on the front of her superhero costume consists of a set of earrings and an alabama-red corset that is decorated with gold in upper-part along with golden shoulder-pads placed on the straps and a large golden belt around her waist she also wore a blue skirt with white stars all over it and alabama-red knee-high boots with white stripes going down from the top along with knee-pads placed on them which sport the same design as her shoulder-pads she also had a sword a golden lasso and silver bracelets it was wonder woman

We see the beautiful sky with it's amazing blue color until the portal opened up and everything that got sucked into it fell out we start to hear screaming Callan fell out of the portal and landed in a wheelie bin Making a giant thud he groaned in...

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