Timely Vain

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Dusk had established it's vermilion skies and a sky full of stars and left me to my legs dangling in air, my eyes gazing into the innumerable stars twinkling above.

She was sleeping downstairs, and my heart aches a bit for her and a lot for myself. I know I sound so self-conceited and pompous. But the fact that there's no dinner tonight makes me want to slap myself straight across my cheek for asking her in the first place.


The heavy wind swept my hair to my face and I realized I needed a goddamn haircut. Real important man. Real important.


Little did I realize my fingers were digging at the cement ground I was sitting on, and my nails were bleeding despite the fact that it went unnoticed and I kept throwing stones to thin air.


This friggin ass concept of gravity keeps pulling me down to her. I mean, look at myself. I was a shitass Casanova and now I'm a gentleman? I laughed at my own contemplation, though it is partly true.

Gravity has pulled me so low with its force, that I can't get back up and leave her. I can't get back up and be the guy I was. I can't get up and change back.

Maybe because I don't want to.


Ah it's only 19:35, I'll sleep oh crap

Dinner!! Crapcrapcrapcrap

I forgot and he is sure as hell going to be pissed.

I need to make up! I need to!!

But his reservation was at 19:30 and reaching there would probably take 15 minutes. By then, it would've been occupied.

What else can I do?!


I didn't want to go down. I wanted to stay here. I know I'm acting like a preschooler but everybody has that right? I'm just in my autocratic mood now, and I have no room for apologies and all that crap.

Rude, again. But I have all rights to be pissed though I need to understand that she isn't well. Maybe I wasn't meant to be. I'm frozen ice now, and it takes tenacity to break me.

I know she can break me into shards of glass. But I am not letting that happen.


The time was almost 20:15, and yet the oxford blue skies with a little of periwinkle kept me occupied in its astounding beauty. You know, there's this conception I have, which I don't know if unlikely. But when you are looking at the skies with a blank mind, it's like the stars arrange themselves into figures that are well recognizable.

Let's see.

A pig? A baby? A princess?


A wine glass? Much better.


Ah well.


My idea was going super awesome and I had to decide Peach or Plum?



Table set.

Candle set.

All ready to go!


It's been more than,(how many? I honestly don't know) a few hours,that I've idly sat here and the time is 20:48 and I was hungry.

She's probably still sleeping and I have to munch in cereal or a granola bar, provided if that's there.


The smell of something so yum reached my nose.

Oh well, probably the neighbors.


"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!?!?!" The table was beautifully set, there was a dish, sleek cutlery, and her standing beside the table in a beautiful plum colored dress.

"Who said we need to go out for a date?" and flashed one of her most comforting smiles ever.


A beautiful dinner with a beautiful girl.

A timely vain.

I don't mind it, when "repercussions" are sweet.

Girl almighty, bless her.

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