New Flame

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A beautiful morning, and I knew what day today was, May 6th.
Sam's birthday. I mean, on one hand is sucks because, I heard yesterday that, the asshole and her were into slight action in the locker's room when he acted all hurt and seized her heart.
So they might be a new thing in the campus, but damn, I just want to be her friend.
And then I know what drama to play.
On the other, it's her first birthday without her guy, I mean, yeah I feel genuinely bad for her, but at least I want to be there for her as a friend for all I got. You might probably wonder why all this hype.
I just don't know, I was new to this campus, and yeah I didn't know a thing. Back at that time, I saw her, many a times, crying and you know, sick. I used to feel really bad for her even though I didn't know head or tail about her.
On the same time, I used to see mind boggling articles penned by a girl named Samantha pinned up on boards. Those were like, emotions screaming at you, bringing tears to your eye. It was a month and half later, I found her on Facebook, her comment on one of my friends' post. The way she delivered her comment, left the person dumbfounded rather. I liked that. I pondered on how sleek her delivery was. My inquisitiveness, made me hunt for her until I knew she goes to the same Literature class as I do. Jackpot, mothereffers. But again, my over-smart mouth messed up again and now she hates me. Technically, not hate I guess. We'll give it a try.

Oh well, it's my birthday yay.
I am completely uninterested because all I can vividly remember is this horrible day in 1996 whence I was born and this day a year ago which was the best birthday I'd ever had.
Despite the fact that, my fame that I've envisaged in the campus (Seriously, I never did anything) and people are going to consider this a matter of jubilation, I, am waking up to the same old messy room of mine in this hostel.
Scattered papers, footnotes, open diaries, and entangled earphones.
Roommate was bro. Advika wasn't there surprisingly.
Meh, fake smile on.
How unusual.
I found a bouquet of roses and a note stuck in it.
My mood slightly lightened up with an expectation that it might be Axl.
Nope. Ouch.
Expectations hurt(af)
The note just said,
          Happy Birthday, Samantha :)
                  Peace x
I mean, come on! There are so many people with names starting with S!
It could even be Shreya!! But why the heck would she send me a bouquet of roses?!
Who could it be?
"Happy birthday!!"
"Birthday wishes, Sam!!"
"Oh my godss happy birthday!!"
"Thank ya."
"Gee, thanks a ton."

The same thing over and over drives me mad. I don't want to sound condescending to people who wish me, you know. But, yeah the day does suck.
Lit as always, and I could see a million girls drooling over Axl at the back.
Wayyyyyyy back.
"Hey! Happy birthday" said a quite familiar voice.
Shawn, of course.
"How is your day so far?"
He got on my friggin nerves and here I go.
"You know, you don't have to act all nicw to me just because it's my birthday. I know you are a complete jerk and I know your trying to muddle up things, and I don't care. My day, sucks okay?"
"Uh. Okay. I just know what to do."
"What's that?"
"You wouldn't wanna know."
"Tell me."
"You'll see."
I know what I have to do, I guess I do.
Recess came up and I saw Sam and Axl in their as usual, I wouldn't even call it romance. It's, ew I don't know what it is.
I walked up to their table, and tried acting all cool when Axl leered at me.
We literally had a leering competition, when Samantha broke down into pearls of laughter and said "Guys guys, stop!"
Her laugh is amazing though. I took the toll, "Happy birthday Sam" expecting Axl's face distort but instead he stopped my almost-going-to-embrace-you arm and stood up.
I staggered back and he pinned me down on the floor, "Now you, take your hands of my girl, girl." to Samantha's laugh behind.
The punch this guy is capable of throwing, dang he almost broke my nose.
Thanks heavens, Sam came in. That too, not in any worried way, in a completely casual way, cajoling that guy like he is the greatest creation mankind has ever witnessed.
I'm so awesome,  I know.
*You have a new follower on Instagram: Shawnnnn21"
Oh, this guy!
"Morning baby"
Axl's every morning text. Swipe.
*Shawnnnn21 liked your photo 55* Check.
Are you kidding me?! This guy is a major spammer!
After this was when I realized that the friend request on Facebook was also this guy's.
I decided to DM him, because one, I owe him an apology.
Two, I owe him thanks.
It is like my general tendency that when I DM someone new, I send them a black/blue blank picture because sending one's own face is what I consider highly illogical. (Despite the fact that, when I tagged Axl in a challenge he'd DM-ed me his face.) It is stupid to be honest, but not the point.
So I DM-ed him, and he is probably the first ever soul on Earth to answer a question, with another question!
He was rather intrigued by my choice of the picture, but the way he sported the question got me intrigued.
Just intrigued?
Or hooked?

Test my will, test my heart
Let me tell you how the odds gonna stack up
Y'all go hard, I go smart
How's that working out for y'all in the back, huh?
I've seen that frustration
Been crossed and lost and told "No"
And I've come back unshaken
Let down and lived and let go

Hey guys!!

It's been long! So another new character!
The character, if I have to be honest, possess parts as my alter ego mashed with fictional write ups.

So, I hope you like it!
Keep the support coming!
One love \m/

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