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Shuri had been in Mitanni for all of four weeks and within those four weeks, they had been some of the best memories in her life.

She had met the people of Mitanni and had unknowingly endeared herself to them with her respectful curiosity and her playing with the children during soccer and dodgeball matches.

She had further endeared herself to them by conversing with them about anything that struck their fancy.

Shuri treated them like equals and the people of Mitanni adored her, especially once they discovered she was also the famed Black Panther, blessed by the Goddesses, Bast and Sekhmet.

They introduced her to their gods and goddesses such as Adiris, Babylonian Goddess of Plagues, Healing, Music, Poetry, Elementals and the Sun, also Asra, Persian God of the Moon, Hunting, Protecting Women and Children, Wild Animals and Magic.

The children absolutely loved Shuri and Milalani was her biggest defender. They could often be found sharing delectable fruits and being carried by Shuri in her Black Panther suit.

Kaileena had introduced Shuri to several others who took to the Princess of Wakanda and led her around to their houses, and Shuri was amazed at seeing animals such as gryphons, pegasus and a few nifflers.

"Would you like to see how it works, Shuri?" Kaileena asked softly as she straddled a pegasus whose coat was the perfect shade of amethyst with matching irises, tail, snout, ears and hooves.

Shuri nodded excitedly and then yelped as Kaileena reached over and lifted her easily onto the spot behind her.

Once she was comfortable, Shuri then wrapped her arms around Kaileena's waist and grinned at the children who squealed excitedly.

They began to fly alongside the pegasus that Kaileena and Shuri rode on the back of and tossed several balls of light and harmless fire to each other.

As they soared through the clouds, Shuri found herself laughing as if she was free of the grief that weighed her down for so long.

Kaileena smiled softly at how beautiful Shuri was, she knew that the princess was one of her two mates and she had a feeling, that once she stopped cloaking her scent, the God King of Talokan would realize the Dragon Queen of Mitanni was one of his two mates.

He would be shocked to learn that the Panther Princess of Wakanda was his other mate.

Kaileena sighed internally as she realized she might have to be the peacemaker between Shuri and K'uk'ulkan.

They were both possessive of their loved ones and for good reason as well.

She just hoped that the God King of Talokan wouldn't do or say anything to piss off the Panther Princess of Wakanda.

She would, of course, warn him, advise him but ultimately his choices and actions were his own.

"Do you want to fly, Shuri?" Kaileena offered the chance to the Princess who nodded eagerly and yelped quietly as the Queen of Mitanni, placed her in front of her.

Placing her hands over Shuri's, Kaileena leaned her head against Shuri's shoulder and breathed in deeply.

The children recognized that there was going to be a conversation between their beloved Queen and their favorite Princess, they dispersed without Shuri noticing.

"Shuri, when you meet K'uk'ulkan, I want you to keep an open mind and an open heart, especially as his people are similar to mine and yours. We go through great lengths to keep our countries a secret from the rest of the surface world. He may be arrogant at first, but it is just a mask and please, for the love of Adiris and Asra, do not call him Namor. We all have different names that reflect our cultures, our history, our ancestors, please address him as K'uk'ulkan, the name Namor he took in distaste from a Spaniard colonizer, for he has no love of the surface world," Kaileena informed her intelligent and beautiful mate.

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