- Assumptions -

16 1 0

The siblings are on their way to school and Y/n is truly smiling not like the fake smiles she's used to putting on to prove to everyone that she's alright, after the talk that Mike and her had she feels better like she can smile without feeling guilty or upset.

They get to the school and Mike gets out yelling goodbye running over to Dustin who's waiting for him.

"Bye! Hey Dusty!" Y/n calls to the curly haired boy with a big smile waving.

Nancy looks at her smiling, happy that she's acting like she used to.

"Okay I have to go to the paper room are you alright on your own?" Nancy asks staring at her concerned.

"Yeah Nance I'm good, say hi to Fred for me please!"
She smiles calling to her while walking away.

Nancy shakes her head smiling.

"Okay bye, love you!" Nancy yells.

"Bye love you too!" She yells walking through the school towards.


She walks in the halls smiling at everyone she knows and waving with a smile on her face, people watch her a mixture of shock and happiness that the Queen of Hawkins High is back to her old self.

She walks to her locker unlocking it and grabbing her books.

"Hey, love the skirt" Robin tells her smiling walking up to her.

She closes her locker smiling at her.

"Thanks" she smiles widely.

"You're smiling" Robin looks at her shocked.

"Yeah, I'm happy" she shrugs smiling.

"I love it!" Robin exclaims dramatically.

She laughs at Robin as they walk down the halls.

"Hey Rob I even started listening to my music again" she nods biting her bottom lip.

"No way!" Robin yells excitedly and everyone looks at them.

"Rob!" she scolds feeling embarrassed shaking her head.

The girls walk into their next class.
Further away Eddie is watching with a big smile on his face at how happy she looks compared to the other times he's seen her walking down the halls with her headphones on looking at the floor with a sad frown.


Y/n sits in class a few rows away from the front, Eddie walks in sitting two rows ahead of her in the next row of desks. During class the guy in front of her turns around smiling.

"Hey" he says quietly so the teacher doesn't hear.

"Hi" she smiles replying quietly.

"You're really good at drawing" he points to her drawing she is working on.

"Thanks" she blushes feeling embarrassed.

"I'm Jace" he raises his hand for her to shake.

"Y/n" she shakes his hand.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he compliments smiling.

She looks away blushing meeting Eddie's glaring eyes who rolls his eyes looking away.

The bells rings and she gets up packing her book bag.

"See you around" Jace smirks down at her before waking away.

She smiles waving and he waves back.

She looks at Eddie who's grabbing his stuff when one of the basketball players knocks his books off of the desk and leave the class laughing.

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