Chapter 35: Go on a date.

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Iyana's POV

"You sure that you still want to go?" asks Nkosinathi. "I'm positive that I still want to go. I need the break and i need someone to talk to about certain things in life which don't involve you." I answer. "Okay." "You are so attached. Don't worry you will have me all to yourself tomorrow." "Don't give me ideas." I chuckle.

We cuddled up in his bed, yes his again, we've tried so many times this week to separate ourselves from each other but whenever we do it, it just doesn't feel right. We love doing this together and it's making my feelings for him become harder to resist but the only thing that consoles me is that he will never see me in that way.

So when it's time to let go he will gladly do so and i will pick up the pieces by myself. Anyways I'm scared of building a relationship with him for so many reasons so it's best i don't admit my feelings and look like a fool. One being that I'm scarred from past relationships. "You zoned out." he says. "Zoning out is cool you should try it out." I say and he chuckles.

"So what time are you leaving?" he asks. "Around 13:00 and then I'll be back late. Please be a gentleman and open the door for me, if I don't come back though it means I slept over at her place." I answer. "Sure." He starts massaging my scalp and damn it feels good.

"Don't stop." I mumble and he stops. "Idiot I said don't stop." He chuckles. "I don't appreciate being called an idiot." he says. "You are one because you not giving me a head massage." "You so easy to piss off." He continues with the massage and i close my eyes to savour the moment.

I'm so going to get him for trying to test me so early in the morning. "So when we start dating people from the outside does it mean these cuddling sessions stop?" I ask. He stops with the massage and gives me a blank stare. "Why would you think about such things so early?" he asks. "I don't know it's just a thought." "Wena what do you want."

"I wouldn't want them to stop because I enjoy it but in respect of our future partners we would have to." I say. "That's if there will be." he mumbles. I don't know if i was meant to hear that but I will pretend like I didn't. "Mmm?" "I guess we would have to stop so enjoy them while it lasts." "Definitely will."

We cuddle for another hour or so before we decide to wake up and get started with our day. If it wasn't for this outing of mine I would have a lazy weekend. Just eat, sleep repeat. I wear my slippers and robe and go to the bathroom. I have brought some of my things here so I don't have to do a back and forth in this very cold house.

I take out my toothbrush and toothpaste and start brushing my teeth. He comes in a few seconds later and does the same's giving couple goals, five years down the line with a kid or two and this is how you start your just know how to ruin the mood subconscious.

I spit out the toothpaste and rinse my mouth with mouthwash and water. I wipe my mouth and apply some Vaseline on my lips. I leave the bedroom and go downstairs to the kitchen. "Mrs. Mthimkhulu." greets Mam Zodwa. "I always knew you had a personal agenda against me." I say and she chuckles.

"I was just greeting you and now we at personal agendas." she says and i fight the urge to roll my eyes. "Yeah right you were just greeting." I say and she laughs. "I sharing the same bed and same surname so I might as well call you Mrs because Ms is your unmarried aunt." I chuckle. "To go is too see." She laughs.

"Uright?" she asks. "Ngiyaphila wena ma." I ask. "Nami ngiyaphila. So when are you going back to your own room." "I don't know." "You've caught feelings?" "Let us not exaggerate. He is being there for me after all the shit I've been through and my nightmares aren't a lot when his around so yeah.." I don't have nightmares anymore since I've been sleeping with him thats why i don't want to let go. "You using that as an excuse to avoid the fact that you caught feelings."

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