into the light, we fall, we fly

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Their present, past, and future all come together when Hoyoung looks into Minchan's eyes and sees himself, surrounded by the reflection of the cruise's fairy lights — and he's smiling.

Life goes on, and a definitive happy ending is not something fate serves you on a silver platter.

There are happy beginnings, though. There must be.

Because this is definitely one.

Tags and trigger warnings:

found family, retrospection, introspection, discussions of mental health, mentions of past bullying and its effects, aspec characters, queerplatonic relationship, Hongbae said fuck amatonormativity, fluff, comfort, sexual identity crisis if you squint, self-indulgent, eventual kissing, marriage proposal, sort of, feelings realization

Note (important):

Hi guys, Mona here <3

This part has gotten a bit out of hand concerning the length, which is why I've split it into three parts. They still belong together though, so please read them in the given order for the best experience!

I also want to say one or two words about the topic of sexuality in this fic. The following paragraph will contain spoilers though, so be warned.

As I've become more comfortable and confident with my own aroace identity, I've been more inclined to write this ship lean towards a queerplatonic relationship instead of a typically romantic one. A queerplatonic relationship (qpr for short) is often described that is between platonic and romantic, but I think it goes way deeper than that. It is just another form of committed relationship and people in a qpr should not be treated as „less like a couple" than a romantic relationship. They are partners. They have their own rules that say what is okay and what is pushing their boundaries, based on how they experience attraction and sexuality. Oftentimes, the partners are on the aromantic/asexual spectrum — but they don't have to be.

Hongbae actually don't talk much about the finer details of their relationship in this yet, but I plan to write another fic in which they do. This fic is about how love doesn't have one standard formula it follows, how appreciation and affection can often lie in the small gestures, in plain sight. How love doesn't have to make sense to anyone else if it works for you.

Since my fics about Hongbae have always been what I would want in a relationship myself, this is how they ended up. If you imagine them to be in a romantic relationship, you can go ahead and read the fic with that interpretation. Writing is an art and art has no set, clear meaning. For me, they are in a qpr — but they might not be for you, and that's okay.

I just wanted to talk about my thought process a bit before I let you read the thing.

Thanks for reading this long ass note! Constructive feedback, votes and other interactions of any sorts are always highly appreciated💛

Enjoy <3


Below you can find:

Part 1 - present (2,735 words)
Part 2 - past (2,844 words)
Part 3 - future (3,979 words)

love you to the stars and back - Hongbae oneshot bookWhere stories live. Discover now