𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 2 : 𝑴𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝑭𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒆𝒓 & 𝑨𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒓

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"We will talk about it later, Chae. C'mon get in line! The coach will kill me if i don't have you organized." He said shyly while showing his dimples and cute laugh. I got in line, next to a taller boy. He looked cute. Just like a fox.
Enough of that. I instantly recognised the coach: he was the only one with a suit, even tho we needed to fight?
"Welcome, everybody. Today is gonna be a new day for one of our students.. Cheon Chaewon!" Everyone started applausing, in the meanwhile i bowed. The coach signaled me to go in the middle of the room next to him, so i eventually did. "Chaewon. Let's see your beautiful skills!" He pitched up his voice as everyone gave me space for a punching machine to be brought by two assistants.
"S-Sir! I-I'm not that good yet at boxing.." I whispered near his ear quietly. He simply shurgged and pointed me to punch the bag.

It was dead silent after i punched the machine. It went up alot, wow. I didn't even expect it to be that high. "967 points!" The assistants shouted, which made everyone gasp since i'm a 0% non-taught girl.
"You make a great addition to Straykids.. go ahead and get started! I'm sure the guys already gave you the routine paper and schedules.
I look at him confusedly before i turned to the members madly, dragging each one of them in the boys bathroom.

"What the hell is he talking about?!?!?!"
I shouted. I may even raised my voice so loudly that even the coach could here it.
"Calm down Chae." Jisung said, while sitting me down on one of the seats infront of the toilets. Bangchan suddenly spoke up. "Chaewon. I decided not to give it to you so you could the meet the members first.
They all introduced themselves.
"Yeah okay whatever." I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms and leaning into the chair.

A few minutes later, Hyunjin spoke up, almost like raising his voice. "Okay fine then Chaewon. There you go, the papers of what you need to know." He handed me the full papers, while i started reading it.

'Straykids Rules/Notices..

-No drinking until you're 21
-No smoking until you're 25
-No dating group members
-Don't disrespect other members
-If the assigned homework isn't done then punishment will be received by the Leader of the group
Straykids members will always protect their members, attack their enemies and not fight for competition.
Boxing moves to learn:
Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut, BoloPunch, OverHand,  CheckHook, Haymaker and more for Pros.'

"That was quick, i though it would be pages after pages." I muttered, putting the sheet in my bag. "The old grandpa will have alot more, don't worry." Seungmin giggled, glancing at Chan while he death stared the poor Min.

"Straykids and their new member are back!!" One of the teams shouted as we bowed.
Changbin and Jeongin told me where my punching bag was. Since we are now in nine, they had to put 10 punching bag in the two rows.
All of the groups had barriers in between the punching bags, so noone would fight or do any mischief.
I started punching the bag with Jeongin by my side. "Good job, Chae. Wow i didn't expect you to be even more stronger then other female students." He said, smiling while surprised by my hard punches. "That's what you get from being in and out of a Mental Hospital." I laughed sarcastically, continuing to learn some new moves, which were the Jab and Cross.

After an overworked two hours of training. I got the best and most compliments ever, alot of people recorded me while i punched my heart out, and obviously uploaded it on Instagram. Did they have to tag the group and me? I gained alot of attention to be honest, making me alot more popular in school and on Social Media.
Even the Coach told me that i have set the record and i will be a main Fighter and main Attacker in Straykids.
It's a bit strange, because if i weren't here, i probably would be dead in an alleyway and no one would've came to my funeral.
If not i would be cutting and abusing myself in school stalls or getting raped by some older man in the streets.
Thanks to those pills i take, they make me feel less anxious, less suicidal and more fine.
I probably won't tell that to them, i wouldn't want to scare them by my conditions, and i hope they never will know my past.

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