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Jin was sitting on the bed... Playing with his toys..
jungkook went to him and sat next to him...sensing someone, jin looked at his side..

"What's in your hand kookeee?"

"Its your medicine Baby! "

"But i am fine"

"Yes you are"jungkook smiled and rubbed jin's hair...

Jungkook wanted jin to understand that its needed.
He got to know jin's mom gave him insulin During sleep or after giving him sleeping pill as jin used to act as stubborn.. But jungkook didn't want to adopt that techniques...

Jungkook took injection and by other hand took vial containing insulin ...
Seeing Jungkook held injection the things jin hated the most at the same time..afraid also....
Jin spoke "what are you doing Kookeee?"definitely there was fear in his word that wasn't unnoticed by Jungkook..to remove jin's anxiety..jungkook smiled and took the omnipod on other hand..

"Don't give me that Kookeee, it will hurt me"

"Look....jineee...I am not giving you..look ..I am giving the medicine to the device "


"ITS A POD"jungkook showed jin the omnipod then injected the insulin through its filling port...

"Pod..!"jin started mimicking Kookeee's word

When jungkook completed...he asked..."jineee...baby...remove the sticker..'


"Over the pod...pull it baby "
Jin did how his husband instructed.

"Where do you want this device to put?"

"Here...!"jin pointed to his doll's body..

"No jin...not there...in your body"


"It's will look nice ...believe me....it will not hurt"


"Jin lie down baby..."

"Not sleepy"

Jungkook went to jin ...more close..took the toy from jin's hand ...then slightly pushed jin back...when jin did fall on bed...jungkook sat down on his knees over jin's leg and his both legs were on both side of jin's leg..

Then he touched jin's thighs to his belly then raised up his shirt to expose his belly..

"Kookeee wants to put it in belly?"

"My baby is really intelligent "

"Will it hurt?"

"No sweetheart..."
Jungkook took the antiseptic soaked cotton pad and clean jin's belly around the navel...
Jin giggled feeling tickling sensation..

"I told you...it will not hurt...are you enjoying?"

Jin innocently nodded his head...

Jungkook put the omnipod on jin's belly on right side beside navel and sticked it there...

Then he put his mouth on jin's navel and he did puff his face and blow out the air from his mouth inside jin's navel ...making a awful sound...jin started giggling feeling that....
Jungkook continued to do so for 3 times....and jin was enjoying....by this time jungkook's one hand reached on both side of the pod and slightly pressed over there and the needle inside that pod pricked inside jin's Belly...getting hurt jin started crying....like baby


"It's will be okay....jineee....do you want to eat honeymoon???should I bring it for you?"Jungkook said caressing jin's belly beside the pod...

"No... Kookeee... hurt me!"
"Jin...what are you doing?and who give you the bag!"jungkook asked coming back from office in evening

"Jineee is angry not going to talk with kookeee!"

"But why?"Jungkook pouted...

"Kookeee hurted me...kookeee lies "

"No jineee..."jungkook got close to jin and saw jin was packing his clothes...

Jungkook thought..jin was playing and acted like he will leave....

Jin closed the zipper of his bag and turned to jungkook...

"Jineee is going to his house....bye bye kookeee...."
Jin took the bag and put that on his shoulder like school going children..

"Where are you going?"jungkook asked holding jin's wrist...

"Going to MY HOME "

"What???!!!with whom you are going?jimin?"Jungkook became serious ...

Jin nodded negatively

"My bitch (mom) came to take me...I am so happy....bye bye kookeee...jineee will miss you....you also miss jineee ?...okay...I am taking RJ with me.. you gave that to me....!!!!"

Why I Married  You!♥️(Jinkook)🌷[discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now