Chapter 1

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A/N: So, this is a gift for a friend of mine. I had an idea for this a few days after I met said friend. This ship is what got us talking so I thought I would make a book just for her. A story about a ship that got us talking in the first place. I know I write angst, but I will make this angst with a happy ending..... hopefully. Hope you like this, Ari.

Also note: The characters in here are the online personas for the DSMP. If they stumble upon this and want me to take it down I will. This is not their real selves. 

Chapter 1

"No!!!" A blood curdling scream echoed out. Karl ran to Sapnap and Quackity. Blood coated the ground that the two laid upon. Karl examined the two males. Quackity wasn't breathing, Sapnap was struggling to get air in his lungs. Sapnap looked at the smaller male and he tried to speak to the scared, shaking boy. His voice could not be heard.

"Sapnap, it's going to be okay. I am going to get help. Quackity is going to be okay as well. I promise." Karl's voice shook as he spoke to the black-haired male.

Sapnap's brown eyes met Karl's gray eyes. Sapnap watched as Karl's left eye changed from a gray-silver to a blueish-purple - but only for a moment.

Sapnap coughed and gasped for air, but he used what strength he had to cup the face of Karl. Karl kept shaking his head.

"Sapnap, please hold on. Please. I can't lose you..... You or Quackity. I can't......" Karl took Sapnap's hand in his own - voice shaking still.

Sapnap gave Karl a small - and painful - smile. "Karl..... Stay strong.... I know you can fix this...... I know..... you can make things right."


Quackity slammed his locker closed. His day had only been a disaster since he woke up. He woke up late, the bus had left him behind - causing him to get to school late - it started to rain on his way to school so now he was soaking wet, and he found someone - who he would never admit to anyone to having feelings for - flirting with some girl. He went to the restroom to change out of wet clothes and hopefully start having a better day.

Leaving the men's room, he scanned the halls for his friends. They could probably cheer him up. He found his friend Fundy sitting in the hallway on his laptop. Fundy was in his human form. Quackity never really questioned it - he knew his friend felt comfortable in his human form rather than his Kitsune form. He did not like being referred to as cute.

"Hey, Foxman, what ya working on?" Quackity asked in a loud voice, startling the ginger. Fundy ended up getting so scared from the sudden voice that he shifted to his kitsune form - a full fox with three tails. He narrowed his eyes at Quackity as the man started to laugh.

"Not cool, dude. Anyway, I am just working on a game. You know, the one I have been telling you about? I really want this game to work, but some of the code is wrong so I am trying to find out where." The Kitsune quickly answered before calming down enough to change back.

Quackity eyed the screen and saw a black screen full of numbers, letters and just straight up gibberish - to him at least. He huffed and just let his eyes wander. If he was to listen to Fundy talk, he would not be able to pay attention. He found himself looking at Mr. Halo - Sapnap's father. He was in his human form which was odd. He doesn't always do that as he finds it more comfortable to be in his demon form. When he took on a human appearance, he had brown hair, pale skin and green eyes. He also had to wear glasses. He was talking with Schlatt, the principal of this wonderful school. Quackity couldn't make out what they were saying, but Schlatt had this smug face as always and Bad just looked tired. Quackity tried to read their lips, but had no luck. Maybe Fundy could hear.

"Fundy, question for ya, amigo. Can you hear what Mr. Halo and Principal Schlatt are saying?" Quackity questioned the foxman.

Fundy tilted his head. "Uh, I mean, I could. Why?" Fundy's eyes narrowed at the avian male.

"Oh, no reason. Just curious. I mean, look at Mr. Halo. He is in his human form. How often does that happen? He was only in his human form to greet us the first few days of school so as to not scare us, and I don't see it that often. What reason could he possibly have to be in his human form?" The yellow winged man stated.

This got Fundy to look over and take notice of the strange difference in their teacher. He didn't even notice until Quackity had pointed it out. He shifted to where he had some of his features. Instead of a full Kitsune he looked human with fox ears and a tail - c. He looked over to the two staff members and did his best to catch what they were saying. Fundy found that a little harder than he thought. His now fox ears, picked up every sound.

Fundy's ears flicked around his head as they were now picking up sounds they hadn't heard previously. He quickly shook his head and focused.

"-here shortly." A rough voice spoke.

Schlatt's voice always sent shivers down anyone's spine, and the young Kitsune didn't quite like hearing his voice. Fundy's eyes narrowed as he watched Bad nod. "Okay, and I'll make sure that he gets a nice welcome and then have him be a student's shadow."

Fundy hummed and turned to Quackity. "I am not certain, but I think we are getting a new student. One moment." He turned back to the conversation.

"Just have your boy show him around. That sound good?" Schlatt questioned.

Bad tilted his head before nodding. "I think that should be fine. He is going to be in my home period anyway and my son is there too."

"Schlatt clapped his hands. "Excellent. Now, I have some work that needs to be done. I shall see you later, Bad. So long for now." Schlatt spoke as he left.

Bad pushed his glasses up his face and let out a breath. He let his arms cross each other and kept still by the door. Fundy heard another set of footsteps and saw one of the other teachers approaching Bad.

Fundy looked over and saw Skeppy. "Hey, Bad. Everything okay? You aren't sick, are you? You are human at the moment."

Bad chuckled and hugged Skeppy. "I'm fine, Skeppy. We just have a new student that should be arriving here shortly. He's human like Phil's youngest, and I am unsure whether or not he would be comfortable meeting a demon when he first shows up."

This news made Fundy's ears flick. This school has not had a new student show up in a while. He looked at his friend.

"Well, I know why Mr. Halo is in his human form. We have a new student arriving."

A/N: Will be posting two more chapters of this. I have five prewritten, and I told my friend to pick a number between 1-5 and she picked three. :)


Posted: 9/2/2023

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