"Ahh," the Narrator says with a yawn. "Hello, Reader. Welcome to a space in, well space. We are about to witness the birth of a new realm and planet to this isolated star. The Tri Goddesses, Sephora, Aramari, and Elaine, will grant this star eternal life as well as a special habitable zone."The Narrator paused as the isolated star pulsed with new power and life. It grew two times its original size, granting it's habitable zone a larger size. The Tri Goddesses started to push all their power together to form a floating core that started to slowly orbit this isolated star. The core began to gather space rocks and abyssal objects to form a small asteroid-sized planet. The Tri Goddesses watched as the small planet began to gather more and more rocks and abyssal things. The goddess Sephora was struck with an idea to give the planet a mind of its own. To give this planet a mind of its own and let it build the rest of the solar system. The other Tri Goddesses agreed and conjured up the power and granted the planet a mind of its own. The planet began to rumble and its picked up more and more of the objects of space. Over time, it grew to be an earth-size planet.
"By this time," The Narrator began. "The planet began to gain its conscience and realized where it was. The earth-sized planet was confused as it continued to pick up more and more space objects. It yearned to grow larger and larger. The goddesses decided to give this planet a name. It was the first planet in this solar system, so they dubbed it 'Terra'." The Narrator paused. The space Terra orbited had been filled with just the planet itself. Its size grew larger and larger.
"As Terra gained its size, the goddesses gave it a child and named its child, 'Terra X'. This child lived in the core of the planet. This child would not be birth until Terra's final phase." The Narrator went silent as the Tri Goddesses vanished without warning. The three sisters never said a word to its new creation and left it to do its own thing. The Narrator began abruptly again, "The Tri Goddesses vanished without a word and watched as their creation began to grow and grow over the years. It was big enough to start life. The first life it created was a human. Terra wanted there to be something for the human to do so it began to create Relics from memories Terra had no clue it had. The first Relic was a wristwatch, a wristwatch that can control and manipulate time, The Relic of Time. Anything that can be done to time, the wielder of this Relic can do. The second Relic was a necklace, a necklace of Storms, The Relic of Storms. This necklace granted its wielder full control of the planet's weather, being able to cause thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tsunamis. The third Relic it made was a ring, a ring with a topaz gem, the Relic of Geo. It granted its wielder control of rocks and mountains, being able to move, split and create any geographical object on the planet." The Narrator took a breath. "That being a lot to explain, Terra was not finished yet. It went on to make monsters that Terra refers to as Entities. The first entity it made was the King of all Entities. It created a Wyvern. Along with the Wyvern, it created a bunch more entities of random types as they were all scattered across the planet."
"Terra wanted more for the life on itself," continued The Narrator. "It proceeded to make a ton more Relics allowing a lot of changes to its surface, underground, and skies. Terra made sure that all these Relics were hidden in hard-to-reach places. Ten years later, life on Terra flourished as well as its size. This size also became unstable, so unstable that a chunk of Terra had broken off. Terra was confused as to why the chunk had broken off of it. Out of realization that Terra was growing uncontrollably large. Terra decided to watch the chuck as it gathered space objects to grow into a core. Little did Terra know that that chunk had a powerful Relic on it called 'The Relic of Intelligence'. This chunk then grew into a planet just slightly smaller than that of Terra and started life faster than Terra had. Terra disliked the new planet and disowned it. It sent it to find its own orbit around the Sun. The Tri Goddesses grew fond of the new planet and named it 'Terra 2'." The Narrator took a sip of water before continuing. "Out of spite, Terra created a powerful Relic called 'The Relic of Protection'. The Goddesses did not like this creation and warned Terra of the consequences it would receive if it made another. Terra did not listen to the goddesses and created another powerful Relic called The Blade of Light. Terra was quick to hide it at the highest point on its surface."
"Terra began to grow larger than before and it has become larger than most planets out there in the universe. During its growth process, it has lost pieces of itself countless times, creating many more planets to the rest of this universe. Many planets were made and all were named by the Goddesses. There are some planets that have been forgotten and thrown away, while others have become permanent to this universe." The Narrator picked up a bunch of papers. The papers list the names of the planets. "After Terra 2 was born, years after it became a planet of chrome. It became covered due to events that will be later explained in another story. It was then after named Hyperspace, The Planet of The Future. The next planet is Otherworld. Otherworld is a planet of beasts, races and fantasies. On this planet, there lives a large legacy that lives on. The next planet in orbit is called Yranigami. This planet is filled with cartoonish events and strange things. The planet has a double as well. This is a Planet that orbits its moon along with its double planet. Basically there are two planets orbiting one moon. Next planet is called Galas. A planet where everyone is special and on this planet lives the daughter to the Goddess of Stars. Next after we have Planet Everworld. This planet is a fantasy world on a very "normal" planet. Everworld is a planet that ever changes, every day and night cycle. Then comes Planet Frost, a planet covered in ice that has the weird power to hold life. This planets story comes later. Next is Planet VOID. About this planet cannot be disclosed. Next we have Planet 18B3 or also called Water World. A planet covered in water with only specs of land. After this planet is Planet C9O1 or Wild World. A super green planet that has a lot of animals, forests and terrain. This planet is 50% water but the planet is almost as big as Terra. And lastly we have the smallest planet with a special power. Planet 11 or Forgotten. This planet orbits the entire solar system, collecting the lost souls of entities, humans, monsters and animals. It makes sure that these souls are kept in a safe area until it is there time to fade out of existence."
"Thank you for your time, Reader. We will meet again in another story." The narrator picks up his things and leaves the office. This is the Birth of the Legacy Universe, a Universe where Legacies are born and stories are made.
Welcome to the Legacy Universe Reader!
The Legacy Universe
FantasyThis is the short story of the birth of a new realm, a new solar system, in a different part of space , far far away from our home Earth. This is the Legacy Universe.