Terrible Days

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Emily's POV

So me and Skye have been talking about how I could get Alison back. Skye has bought four flight tickets to Paris because Ali told me it has always been her dream to go there. We split the price fifty fifty but he isn't going with us, that's the last thing I need is to worry about him stealing my girl Ali.

Skye: Ok Emily, you got the tickets. Now we need to get you two a house and you should buy an engagement ring.

Emily: I was kind of hoping me and Alison was going to take things slower than just marriage right away.

Skye: Just get the ring. It might come in handy. One day you planned to do so right?

Emily: Yes, that is a good point. Do you have the location where Alison is?

Skye: Of course I do. She is at her fathers house at this moment with the kids.

Emily: Uh ok. Do you know if she is here now?

Skye: Yes she is and you should ask about the trip now.

Emily: Oh ok. Ill see you around.

Skye: Sounds good. See ya around.

*Em leaves and goes over to Alison's dad Kenneth's house*

Kenneth: Hello Miss Fields. How can I hep you?

Emily: Well, I would love to see Ali.

Kenneth: Nah, that aint gonna happen.

*Ali walks behind her father*

Alison: Dad..Stop talking like a wanna be gangster and just let her in. I am so done fighting, its over rated and is so yesterday.

Kenneth: Fine then. *he says walking away*

Emily: Hey ba..Ali.

Alison: Yeah hey, what is it that you want?

Emily: It isn't what I want, its what you want. *She hands her an envelope*

Alison: What is in here?

Emily: Nope, open it and find out, I am not gonna tell you.

*Ali opens it and stands in shock*

Alison: OMG! OMG!! You got us tickets to Paris! *She runs into Emily's arms hugging her tight and Emily feels the bond and love with each other*

Emily: Is that a yes?

Alison: Yes! I could not say no to you! I love you Emily.

Emily: I love you too Alison. I will see you tomorrow at 6 a.m. sharp. Be done packing by then ok? Our flight is at 7:30.

_________________________At the airport______________________________

Alison: You still have the four tickets right? Because getting me up at this time takes me a lot of love but I love you so much that I actually got up..and its Paris, who could miss a Paris trip?

Emily: I love you too and no one can ever give up on Paris.

Overhead: Flight 220 for Paris France is now boarding. flight 220 for Paris at gate 10

Emily: Well That is us. Lets head over to the gate.

*They all go over to the gate and thanks to Alison with her stroller, we got to go in the front of the line but when Alison hands the ticket over*

Alison's POV

They say that it is a fake and they take Emily away because she had all the tickets and then someone picks me up into the air, throws me over their shoulder and grabs the kids and they blindfold me throwing me into the car. I scream and cry but I remember my kids are around so I stop myself from doing it more so the kids don't freak out as much as I have inside.

Gavin: mommy, what's happening?

Alison: Gavin, I really don't know. Your gonna be ok. Ok my prince?

Gavin: Ok mom. Sissy is with me just so you don't freak out more.

Alison: Good. Keep her close to you at all times.

*Soon enough the car opens and the kids and Alison are token out and put into a cold building

Person with secret voice machine: You are being punished Alison.

Alison: Why you word rhyming with witch!

Gavin: Let us go!

Person: No! Everyone quiet! You have no right to talk Alison and I could just kill your kids at the slightest move you make. So don't even try!

Alison: Please, let us go! I will do anything.

Person: Sounds good to me. Take your clothes off!

Alison: No. Anything but that.

Person: Now! Or your kids die or you wont see them again or Emily dies!

Alison: please! Oh please! She is the love of my life.

*person calls Emily so she can hear*

Person: I said strip! Or Emily dies because of you!

Alison: I love Em. I am sorry Em. I am so sorry. *Alison strips naked and the person throws her against the cement wall*

Alison: Oh god! Ouch! Dang it!

*The person throws Alison onto the floor and does her as she cries hard*


Person: Good luck. I am the person who gave you those tickets. Ha ha you lose and I won Alison. I bet you a million I just got her pregnant for the third time. *He hangs up and throws the phone and handcuffs Alison naked to a pole*

(That person is very very bad. Do you think Emily will be able to know where Alison is?)

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