1:The new signing

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𝗔𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗮 𝗣𝗢𝗩:

As I pulled up the the arsenal training centre I spotted my new coach Jonas. Being my extremely nervous self I took a few deep breaths repeating in my head "I can do this,I can do this." I then took my key out of the ignition and opened the car door. I let it all sink in "have I really made the right choice coming here, I would only find out if I go along. "Hello Alessia nice to meet you I'm your coach Jonas we here at arsenal are ecstatic to have you here with us, Jonas says as he put his hand out for me to shake."I nod and say thank you as he leads me through the doors and into his office at the end of the hallway with big letters JONAS EIDEVALL. He shut the door behind and sat the end of a table with a piece of paper and a pen plenty of cameras pointing at me. I sat down opposite him. "Take your time" he says as I look at the contract. After reading over it I signed my name at the bottom of the paper and turned to smile at the big camera on my left. "I have asked one of your teammates to give you a tour you have also had a package from Nike containing many clothes after your tour you may come outside and watch the girls train I'll see you soon,"he says as he opens the door.I say thank you and head out the door.As I shut the door I jump hearing "hi alessia you alright". It was Leah my teamate Leah Williamson I stood there lost in her bright dreamy ocean blue eyes.
"Alessia earth to alessia"I came out of my trance and smiled embarrassingly a small blush creeping on my face."Sorry I was just a bit out of it I'm alright thank you what about you"I quickly respond."Very good should we start the tour then"I nod still not really listening staring at Leah she looks so fit in her training kit. Alessia stop your straight. I kept telling myself. I gave Leah and nod and she led to me around the training centre.
*time skip
"And last but not lest the changing rooms the girls are in there come on you can meet them now". I then realised this is it me being my stupid self started overthinking "what if they hate me" or "think I'm annoying". I tried to pull myself together but i could tell Leah sense my anxiousness "don't worry alessia their lovely". I gave her a smile to reassure to show that I'm okay when I'm really not. I'm absolutely excuse my language shitting myself right now I thought to my self just don't ramble keep to yourself and don't be annoying.I've been told back at United that I can get a bit to excited or hyperactive as my old teammates used to say. I followed Leah in as she opened the door. As soon as I walked in all eyes were on me. Leah saving my life said "this is alessia our new 23 some of you know her from playing United but now she's a gooner". There were a few cheers i her in the background. I was a bit stuck on what to do next so I can shyly said "hello" soon after everyone got back to there on things but a few others came up to speak to me. Katie McCabe Beth Mead and lotte wubben moy. Obviously I knew Beth and lotte from nationals and i also used to room with lotte when we were both in college so I should be ok. "Hi I'm katie nice to meet ya alessia"the Irishwoman spoke. "Nice to meet you too katie it's a pleasure. I smiled hoping I wasn't sounding to nervous."how you doing hun ya alright". Beth said pulling me into a hug. I smiled at her and lotte saying "I'm good thanks".
*time skip
After being introduced to all the girls kim said it's was time for a meeting and to head into the meeting room. I made my way there with Leah who I think was still keeping a close eye on me.
As we sat down I was right at the back in the corner hoping to keep to myself. As I settled in to my seat not to my surprise Leah came and set next to me. I quickly shot her a smile and turned towards Jonas trying to focus. If I haven't already told you I'm not the best at focusing I usually end up daydreaming or finding saink else that's more interesting. And halfway through the meeting I was doing just that I was messing about with the zip on my arsenal jacket. Not really listening to Jonás about the game against Tottenham. I really should of been listening as it was my first north London derby. Luckily I managed to catch the last bit about house arrangements. My house consist of me Katie Beth Leah Viv lotte. I was very pleased with my roommates as I know most of them. As I walked out the meeting Leah told me she has made a group chat with everyone in our house and that the address has been sent to me. I thanked her and quickly made my way to my locker which is in between Lia Walti and Katie I remembered to grab my Nike package and would open it when I get home. I soon said bye to the girls and made my way to my car. As I sat down in my car I started to panic about just now what if they all hate what if I sounding rude for speaking my breaths were coming ragid not another one of these stupid panic attacks. There only few people that know about these lotte since she was my roommate in college and saw me have one Ella because she's my best friend Lucy bronze because she walked in the changing rooms when I had one at England. That's it no one else knows and I want to keep like that. I manage to slow my breathing down after around 10 minutes and put my new house in to google maps. The drive was not long at all about 15 minutes. As I made my wait at the house I picked out my suitcases out the car and wheeled them to the front doors
I thought to myself I'll get the rest later. I rang the doorbell and Viv answered "hi alessia we were wondering where you got to we thought you got lost. I remembered then that I was sat in my car for 10 minutes having a panic attack. I quickly said and put on a fake smile "traffic". Viv opened the door and let me in she said "everyone is in there rooms your room is at the end of the corridor here's your keys would you like any help unpacking" I quickly replied "thank you and no thank you I think I'll managed you can go and go back to what your doing. Viv asked whether I'm sure and I nodded she then left going to her own room. The only reason i didn't want help unpacking us because I have ocd and my things have to be a certain way if not I get very aggitated I also didn't want anyone seeing my raggy which I've had since I could remember. I made my upstairs and placed two of my 4 suitcases on my bed the room was very big if I must say I had my own bathroom and a walking in wardrobe I was in awe as soon as I walked in. I made my way down to get the rest of my stuff consisting of my 2 other suitcases a big duffle bag my training back and my Nike package I barley managed to get it all up making sure to lock my car. As soon as I got my stuff I began organising. First I put my training kit the front of my wardrobe making sure to put if in the exact of colours I then moved on to my tops and bottoms putting them again in colour order rainbow obviously. After all that I decided to open my Nike package it consisted on 4 tech fleeces black grey red and green, then 6 T-shirts 4 pairs of shorts 4 fleeces 4 long sleeve top 4 pairs of Nike pros 20 pack of socks 10 white 5 black 5 with a mixture of colours. I then realised that they've sent me to types of underwear boxer type things and a normal brief I was quite shocked about the boxers but put them away in there places. I was also given 4 pairs of trainers 1 pair of slippers and 1 pair of sliders. I was extremely pleased with this package and very quickly sent a thank you email to them.
*time skip
I've just came out the shower and I put a pair of shorts on and my sports bra i was just braiding my hair in a loose low plait when there was knock on the door."come in" I said Katie soon walked in "dinners in 10 minutes it's stir-fry is that alright with you", Katie kindly asked "yes thank you" I smiled turning to face. I don't know if I imagined it but I saw her checking me out. I must of been correct because she soon said "your hair looks nice like that I wish mine was braided but that's not one of specialties."I thanked her and said if you want I can braid your whenever". She responded with I might take you up on that offer sometime I'll be downstairs with the other be done in 5 she left closing my door. I quickly finished my hair making sure no water was dripping and went over to my bed where I had laid out my pajama top and slippers and socks. I know it sounds weird to have socks on with pajamas but I hate having my feet out i quickly slipped on my slippers and headed downstairs.

First chapter guys who are you thinking for the love instrest Katie or Leah or even a someone send suggestions x

My new journey- Alessia RussoWhere stories live. Discover now