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I stood in the paint aisle for around thirty minutes, contemplating which color I would have to look at for the next three years. I finally settled on plain white (basic, I know) before heading to find some curtains. I wondered around the store hopelessly until I finally spotted them. I beelined across the store until my body came into contact with an unknown object, causing me to drop the paint as I fell to the ground.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" I heard a voice say next to me. I rubbed my aching head before looking up at this stranger.

My brown eyes met hers and suddenly my world stopped. If angels were real then she most definitely was one. Her wavy brown hair fell perfectly into place around her shoulders like dominos. Light freckles dusted her nose and cheeks making me wonder how it would feel to kiss each one individually whilst holding her gently in my arms. She wore a simple white t-shirt, black jeans and blue converse yet still she was absolutely breathtaking. Maybe moving in with my father wouldn't be so bad after all.

A small smile graced her soft lips and her hand was outstretched toward me, I took her hand gratefully before dusting myself off, but not without a swarm of butterflies fluttering in my stomach from her touch.

"I'm Gracie." Her voice had a slight rasp to it and I felt myself falling even harder for this random girl. There was something about her but I just couldn't take my eyes off of hers. I felt like i was sinking into the abyss of her chocolate eyes.

"Phoebe." I replied, trying to hide the nerves in my own voice.

"I think you dropped this." Gracie smiled again as she handed me the paint bucket I had picked up earlier.

"Thank yo-" I blinked and she was gone. Fuck, I thought, I didn't even ask for her number. I hurried to select some curtains before paying for my items and rushing out of the store.

I couldn't keep her out of my head the whole way home.

a/n- another short chapter but gracie is here!! we will be seeing her again very soon don't you worry.

also 15 more shows with gracie and a second us leg?!

i'll see you all in the next chapter :)

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