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     I run through the halls and into the armory, where it seems like mostly humans are getting geared up for the attack. "NAME!" One of the vampire soldiers yells. "Private Smith, sir." I say back to him. "Alright, private, you will be on truck 85." He says as he hands me a rifle. "Good luck." He whispers under his breath.

     I find truck 85 and climb up into it. I see a bunch of kids around my age and one vampire that looks to be like the captain. I sit down on the bench that is attached to the side of the vehicle. The vampire captain comes over to me and hands me a helmet. "You're in luck. This is my last one." I take it from him and give him a nod of gratitude. I place the helmet on my head, and I feel my heart start to race in fear.

      "Captain Turner, I will be taking your place." I hear the Commander as she jumps up on the back of the truck. Are eyes locked for a second, and I have a split second of calm rush over my body. "Commander Claxton, this is squad is going on the front lines, and it is too dangerous to send such a high rank to the front. Let alone a Claxton in itself. You will be a target.

       Annoyance comes across the commanders face. "Did I stutter? I am highly skilled enough to protect this squad and lead it myself, captain." She says with a snap. He doesn't say anything and jumps off the back. She gives me a fast wink before she turns to the rest of the squad.

      "Alright, listen up. We are not the ones that will be up front killing. We have sent are more skilled fighters for that. We are the backup, the plan B. If you keep your head down and your safeties on, we should all make it out in one piece." She bangs on the side of the truck, and we start to the front lines.

      She sits across from me and let's out a sigh. I look over to see she has very nice armor on. Black and Gold with a full face mask and helmet that she carries on her side for now. The only gear I have is a rifle and a helmet. I start to struggle with my rifle trying to get the mag in it.

      "Ava, do you know how to use that?" She asks, concerned. "Not really. I had a little intro during basic training, but other than that, I am supposed to be an engineer, remember." She gently takes my rifle and smacks the mag into it. "Stay close to me." She says, handing the rifle back.

       "2 minutes out, Commander." The driver yells from the front. "Remember heads down safeties on, until I say the word and stay close." Commander yells out as she is the first one off the truck and into the trenches.

     I stay right behind her as the bombs and gun shots go off around us, I am on edge and barely keeping myself together.

      We get to a big opening in the middle of the trenches where there are a few more squads around. "Genral DeShawn, any word from my father?" She asks him. "The last thing I heard from him is we are taking heavy casualties. He is supposed to be the one in charge of all this but his communication is bad." He says with a laugh. She cracks a smile back at him.

     "Well, Well. Isn't it Commander Evelyn Claxton." A younger looking vampire comes into the conversation but the Commander doesn't seem to be thrilled by his presence. "Brother are you not supposed to be by mothers side at the castle." She says folding her arms. He laughs. "Are you not supposed to be back at the main base performing life saving operations? I guess we are both where we are not supposed to be."

    That's the Commanders brother? I think to myself. Radio chatter brakes the conversation. "Front line soldiers have been whiped out PULL BACK!" WE hear someone yell over the radio. "Seems like the family reunion is over. Levi, get back to the base!" The Commander yells at her brother. He shruggs his shoulders and takes a sword from his holster and jumps up out of the trenches. The Commander starts for him until a bomb goes off near us sending us to our knees. My ears are ringing as I get myself together.

     I look over to see the commander ferous at the situation. "Everyone down the trenches, there is shelter about a mile down and out!" She yells out to her soldiers. In a flash, she is over by me, helping me get to my feet.

      My hands and legs are shaking out of fear. "Don't worry, Ava, I won't let anything happen to you," She says in reinsurance.

     We start to run down the trenches. A few of our soldiers are a head of us when we hear. "Black death!" And gun shots. The Commander pushes me behind her and pulls her sword that she has been carrying on her back. "You're bringing a knife to a gun fight," I yell out to her. A smile crosses her face. A bunch of black death soldiers come running down the trenches. They start firing at us, and all I can do is duck and cover. But The Commander is up in a flash in the air swiping at them all  with her sword and in a instant they are all dead on the ground. Not a drop of sweat on her. She lends me her hand and I take it.

      We finally make it to the end of the trenches. She pushes all of us into a older looking office building with multiple stories. "Will someone with a radio call back to base and tell them that Commander Evelyn Claxton needs an evac immediately for 3 squads." She puts her sword back into its sheath. I can tell she can sense the fear in me.

      She comes over to me and brushes a piece of hair out of my face. "Take a deep breath, Ava, this will be over in no time." She says, squeezing my hand. I let the tensions leave my body as I feel safe around her.  "Commander Claxton your father wants a word on the radio with you" a soldier yells. She gives me a light kiss on the cheek and leaves to go to talk to her father.

      "Hey is Commander Claxton like your girl friend?" One of the squad members asks. I start to choke on my air. "NO WHY!!" I say embarrassed. "Because she kissed you and has been hovering over you since she got here." He remarks. I shake my head at him and make my way over to the elevator where there is no one else. I don't want to have another conversation like that one.

     Out of no where I hear the loudest blast And I feel my body get shoved through the elevator doors and down the shaft and I brace for the empact of the ground, but everything goes dark before I hit the bottom.

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