Chapter 83 覍 萱 extra (5)

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"Like the morning star that guides the way in the night sky, you guide me to find the light to approach you..."

Tomorrow is the second anniversary of Mangypsing's debut. Today is the last stage of the rehearsal. The song "Star Language" on the stage ended perfectly as the end of the chorus. ? Withdrawn from the stage?

At the moment when the lights on the stage ended, Lin Qingyan subconsciously wanted to touch the phone, but when she was about to touch it, she retracted her hand as if it was hot.

The chatting time between her and Le Jiaxuan became less and less, and it changed from Le Jiaxuan's initiative at the beginning to her initiative - not because there were so many gaps, but because the people there basically didn't Will come again and again to stir up the topic.

A long time ago, she remembered that although the two were not together, Le Jiaxuan kept sending her photos of her life to share bits and pieces. It’s so big that it’s filmed today? What’s the role, so small just now? It was chased away during dinner?—? Only a fly, she will not let go of any—? A thing that can be shared with her, and also send her a morning message every day. Good night and good night.

She will sometimes reply, sometimes she will go to work after looking at it, and when she receives the news, the throbbing will be slowly retained and squeezed in the bottom of her heart, and after she is busy, she will gradually be There is no trace of the wind blowing.

The girl group that just debuted is really tired, especially for the captain, the burden to carry is more than that. Among so many people, only she has experience in debut, and the rest are just blank sheets of paper, which need to be filled with color by her.

In such a day-to-day exhaustion, it was more difficult for her to give Le Jiaxuan more attention, and she was more inclined to her teammates. Although there is an inseparable piece in my heart, it seems that I don't have to pour out my longing every day.

Until she felt Le Jiaxuan's indifference to her, was Lin Qingyan busy for a few days? It's reasonable for Le Jiaxuan, but she continued to operate on Weibo as per the manager's request. .

The "double yan" CP is getting stronger and stronger now, and it even entered the top ten after starting from ?-?

Did the two of them say yes? It is impossible to receive the benefits of the hype. Lin Qingyan started to resist strongly and gradually accepted it calmly, but sometimes she would think about that person who doesn't know what she is doing now. People, the pain in my heart is slowly tightening like a shrinking lemon.

Later, Le Jiaxuan chatted with her less and less frequently, from dozens of times a day to a dozen times to several times, and even started every other day, and after the next day, it began to become - again every week and occasionally - a few sentences.

Occasionally, when Lin Qingyan wanted to go back to look for Le Jiaxuan after she was done working, she was not found in the chat records of the blockbuster movie.

The company sometimes confiscates the mobile phone, and I don't know if it is there. Others will look at it. In order to ensure that it will not be discovered, Lin Qingyan will not put Le Jiaxuan on the top. But every time, Le Jiaxuan sent a message first, and the frequency of the message was relatively high? Sometimes when you want to chat, you can find it without much effort.

But today, the rare news has not been received.

Not yesterday, maybe not tomorrow.

The last time the two chatted was two months ago. In order to prepare for the concert during this period, Lin Qingyan was so busy that she could barely touch the ground, and later she had to guide the dance moves of the team members. —? I will ask the instructor to arrange a seat later.

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