Chapter 93 Lin Qingyan

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The typhoon in Jiangcheng has no tendency to stop, and it is still sweeping wantonly without end. The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the sky has been gloomy from morning to night, giving people a feeling that the end of the world is coming soon.

  The bodies of singers and dancers usually suffer from injuries at a young age under high-intensity training, and Lin Qingyan is no exception. As the singing and dancing ace in the team, there are many parts, whether it is dancing or singing. The price of high popularity and many resources is constant injuries, and legs are part of it.

  Such wet weather is the most unbearable for her.

  The pain was like a blunt blade stuck in the bone of the knee, and it would be worn away at the slightest movement, rubbing against her muscles and bones and grinding out invisible blood little by little. Especially after the leg is injured, the feeling is obviously stronger than before, and it is the pain that hits the deepest part.

  The temperature in the separate ward was moderate, but the snow-white walls looked cold in Lin Qingyan's eyes. She felt pain everywhere, from her legs, to her waist, to her hands, and even trembled slightly, but it was not to the extent that she needed to call a doctor. In the empty ward, her heartbeat could even be heard thumping, thumping, and sometimes when she was awake she wondered if she would die silently at this moment.

  Lu Yige came here once as a representative of the group. When she was not in the sky, the other party was acting as the temporary captain. The original plan to shoot a new v was postponed for a while because of her injury, and now several people are going to record songs and variety shows, and Lu Yige complained that they also have to practice her super difficult part along the way.

  Lin Qingyan just smiled and said nothing at the time, everyone in Mantianxing is actually quite equal in strength, except for some subtle differences in some places, there is not much difference, and it only takes a short time to practice her part. For a while.

  This group has gradually matured from immature at the beginning, and has been promoted to the desired position according to her grand plan. Every feedback on the list will make several girls secretly happy, behind the glamor is also the reward of sweating day and night.

  Her biggest regret is that Le Jiaxuan did not join, and it is her only regret.

  Sometimes in her free time, she would also think of the little things she had with Le Jiaxuan.

  Thinking of her sudden confession in the dormitory, thinking of her unsatisfied shyness after kissing him quietly, thinking of the bright and incoherent girl who saw her excited incoherently at the book signing party long, long ago. steadfast eyes.

  When everyone was in love with her beautiful and overflowing youth, she told herself very firmly: "Lin Qingyan, you are a qualified artist, not just an idol with a beautiful body." Of course, the word idol

  itself It has been given a very beautiful meaning.

  In the past few years, there has been a big prejudice against the idol profession in China, because there is a lack of a singing stage that can show professional strength, most of the people attracted are just fans, so many people think that the idol industry is just a casual twist on the stage Singing can attract a bunch of people who only look at faces.

  Most people have big prejudices against idols. Idols without a stage can only show their faces in variety shows and idol dramas. If they are ridiculed, they will only make money by acting in bad dramas and variety shows. The first big resource Lin Qingyan received after returning from overseas was a short idol drama, and that drama hit the street without incident, and then received an overwhelming marketing draft.

  Le Jiaxuan said that she was the morning star of her time, guiding herself to find what she really wanted to explore in the darkest time. So she was like a moth without hesitation, pounced on the morning star, which was brighter than the lights and inaccessible.

  She thought that she really liked Le Jiaxuan.

  It's just that such liking is buried in the bottom of my heart, and it will be ignored when it is not touched, and it will be painful when it is really dug out. I don't know when it was, it seemed that it was the period when she had no contact with Le Jiaxuan. She would always have some very strange dreams. Those things were clearly in dreams, but they seemed to happen in real life. It's hard to even tell the moment.

  In the dream, she and Le Jiaxuan were not at a stalemate like they are now, but complete enemies, jealous of each other because of Murong Feng. But in real life, she didn't have any feelings for Murong Feng. To be precise, she has always known her sexual orientation since she was a child, and the only girl she has ever liked is Le Jiaxuan.

  Because she likes it, she doesn't even dare to get too close to Le Jiaxuan every time, lest her impulsiveness will burn the other person's body like a fire.

  But it was also because she was not brave enough, and she was afraid that her current efforts would be in vain with the announcement of the relationship between the two. After Le Jiaxuan rejected her, she seemed to have found a suitable reason and wrapped herself up like an ostrich When I wake up, I would rather face more, more tiring and harder practice, and rarely give a response to Le Jiaxuan who has been looking forward to her.

  Even if she knew she would be anxious.

  Because she knew she would be waiting for herself.

  But when the habit of waiting behind her is no longer a foregone conclusion, the person who has been waiting behind her will also leave her. If Le Jiaxuan really didn't look back this time, she would truly be lost forever again like the ending in a dream.

  Thinking about when she fell asleep, Lin Qingyan was awakened by palpitations.

  It was thundering and raining outside, and it was the first time she had seen such bad weather in Jiangcheng. The typhoon had issued a yellow warning, and there would be heavy rain in the days to come. The hospital was in a heap of hustle and bustle. Apart from the nurses who had been on duty all the time, there were some people moving around quietly, which sounded like the sound of "flood control".

  After three o'clock in the middle of the night, Lin Qingyan sat by the window and looked at the rain that was getting heavier and heavier outside without expression. She fumbled for the phone and wanted to send a message to Le Jiaxuan, but suddenly remembered that the other party seemed to forget to mute the volume when sleeping, and would get angry if she was woken up.

  In the past when Le Jiaxuan was still there, those team members would send her whenever she wanted, but after Lin Qingyan saw her sulking like a kitten with fried hair after being woken up in the middle of the night for the first time, they stopped. I didn't send her a message at night.

  Tomorrow's orange alert is estimated to directly restrict travel, and everyone will work from home. She never looked forward to the dawn for a moment, even though she knew that no one would come to see her under such heavy rain.

  It was more than five o'clock in the morning and close to six o'clock, when the hospital's visiting hours had just opened, a dull but familiar sound of footsteps sounded at the door of the ward.

  The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angels who voted for the overlord or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2021-08-07 00:00:00~2021-08-08 00:00:00~Thank you for the

  mines Little angel: Gu Gui 1;

  thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Lushu; 123

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