ೃ⁀➷One Day Delivery · 18

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💗 Rainbow's Pov💗

Before I start this massive undertaking, I need to set some ground rules.

1. I have a day to complete an entire library

2. I have a day to complete an entire library

3. Did I mention I have to complete an entire library? IN ONE DAY

If I kept going on the points would be infinite, so now to focus on the task at hand. The reason why it has to be in a day? "Same day delivery" or something, those "Magic Seniors of Arastocria" (I'm not very sure.) Gave me a letter before departure-- it said that if they couldn't find my library by dawn the deal was off and theyd go back to Abo's until they "dropped dead" in their words.

So what's the deal? I'm a student not an architect. What the hell am I supposed to do? This device isn't going to build me a mansion… I guess a cloud & ice library shall do.

While beginning to section out clouds to clump together, I began to ponder what my siblings would create.

Hmm, Draco would probably make a giant tree house… with roots that flow with knowledge! Or maybe even magic… the possibilities!

Funneh would obviously create a golden castle, after all she's done it before. But that would hurt my eyes when my sun is constantly orbiting around my head & reflecting on the gold.

Lunar wouldn't even need to create anything with materials, a few magic spells and it's presto… Ah, to practice magic… Sadly I don't have enough ambrosia…

Gold… Gold could just call a favor. She's the-


Finally, the base is complete. I just hope they won't slip on the ic-



Sigh I should fix that problem. Adding that to the list of ever growing anxieties I continue to create the first floor.

Wall after wall, cloud after cloud… This is taking forever! I look at the sky and see that Lunars time is slowly rearing. Can I really finish a whole 3 stories?!

After hours of stressed work, the first shell is complete! Now I need to do that 2 more times. This'll take forever…

Jittering with anxiety I shaped an ugly wall after another deformed one, but it maintained it's shape. And that's enough. Soon, I had completed the second floor-- kind of… both floors had nothing inside of them except a few shabby floors and a single ice bookshelf on floor 1 ( I soon realized I didn't have time for bookshelves in a library, ironic I know)

Now it was time for round 3. I have good news and bad news about round three. Good news: it went by without a hitch! Bad news: it was 2 hours till dawn.

Stepping down from my makeshift ladder, I admired my first library. It had a face only a mother could love but it sure was a face! Atleast…

Now I had to chose: keep my priorities straight and put bookshelves in and handle the slippery floor— or make it look atleast decent. With a heavy heart, I started to create more bookshelves. My perfectionist self couldn't bear it.

By the time I had finished creating the bookshelves it was… what was the time? I didn't check since I-


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