Skye and the crash

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It was a beautiful day in Adventure Bay, and Skye was assisting the mailman with deliveries while he was on a break. After completing her final delivery, Skye, unfortunately, crashed her helicopter when a bird crossed her path and did not have time to stop. Though she was shocked, Skye was relieved to have only suffered minor bruises. She decided to contact Ryder to inform him of the situation.

On the lookout, Ryder was watching the pups play tag when Skye called him on his pup pad. "Hey, Ryder, I crashed my helicopter. The front is damaged, but I'm okay with just a few minor bruises. I hope my helicopter can be fixed," Skye explained. Ryder was taken aback by the news and immediately called the Paw Patrol to the lookout.

Once the team arrived, Ryder briefed them on the situation, and they were all left in shock. Ryder assigned Marshall to check on Skye, Rubble to use his crane to bring down the damaged helicopter, and Rocky to assess and repair any damages. Rubble successfully brought down the helicopter when they arrived while Rocky inspected and repaired the cracks. Meanwhile, Marshall gave Skye an ice pack to help her feel better.

Skye expressed concern about the potential for another crash landing and the resulting stress. With tears in her eyes, she spoke to Ryder, "What if I can't fly again? I don't want to see my helicopter damaged." Skye considered taking a break from flying altogether." Rocky, however, was hard at work repairing the damages. Fortunately, the damage wasn't too severe, and Rocky was able to restore the helicopter to its former glory.

Ryder felt bad for Skye and decided that Rocky tow Skye's vehicle back and skye took a ride with Ryder back to the lookout

Skye's helicopter incidentWhere stories live. Discover now