Chapter 17: Attack of the Evil Squirrel!

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Me: Here's chapter 17~ I want to warn people it starts out funny gets very emotional and I actually had tears rolling down my face as I typed up what happens and was said (mostly because I image in my head and listening to a sad song which didn't help D': ) So it talks about abandonment please don't read, but if you do read it I warned ya. But here's a gif above to make ya smile and laugh ^w^ Enjoy~


"Kuso! Come back-- Oof! ...Ow."

Groaning as I lay on my stomach panting, I was training with my endurance and Hao was being 'funny' telling me to chase after bunny catch it and he'll have his allies skin it and cook it. But I'm having a difficult time catching said bunny...while Hao laughs in the damn background! Growling I whirled around glaring at the laughing Hao who is holding his stomach.

"Stop laughing god damn it!!" 

A tick mark appeared on my head, I started stomping my feet and then storming over to him but out of know where a freaking flying squirrel flew right into my face, I froze for a second then I started screaming and flailing my arms. The damn thing was clinging to my face and oddly sounded like it was saying 'weee!!'. What kind of squirrel makes that kind of sound!? I yelp when my feet hit a root sticking out from the ground causing me to face plant, and finally before my face said hi to the ground the damn furball jumped off my face. I shot up on my feet and started shouting curses at the damn furball.

"Come down here you coward! Fight me, you evil furballlll!!"

I heard him laughing harder, with a huff I stomp over to him -- making sure no roots were sticking up this time -- and shoved my index finger in his very amused face after he calmed down from laughing.

"Stop laughing! It's not funny if it happens to you you would freak out, hm!?"

He chuckles waving his hand dismissively with a amused smile.

"Goman~ But I did enjoy such a lovely scene~ It was quite funny." He points out chuckling.

"Grrr! I'm not trying to be an entertainment for you mister!" I huffed out hands on my hips, glaring at him.

He sent me his closed-eye smile I enjoy seeing, that makes my heart do flips. He gestures with his hand to come closer, so with warm cheeks and a red face I shyly walk closer to him he reaches his hands to my face and right when his fingers brush against my face I hissed in pain jerking back.

"Ow, kuso that furball scratched me! Wait until it comes out of his hiding place I'll capture it then cook it! You hear me you evil squirrel!!"

Hao laughs patting my head as I huff and puff, freezing up when Hao turns me back to face him he leads me to a fallen tree bending down and inspecting the scratch marks that evil squirrel left me. He opens the first aid kit I always bring with me after I refill all I used up from the training. While he cleans up the blood etc. on my face I went into deep thought about what happened after the fight between Faust guy against Yoh, I found out Yoh said such cruel things to Manta and pushed him away and he also did the same to me so I've been staying here with Hao he kind of knew what happened with my thoughts swirling around like a wild frantic hurt puppy.

It hurt, I subconsciously grip my chest feeling my heart squeeze in pain remembering how Yoh ignored me and how he just up and kicked me out. Would...Hao, do the same someday? Would he get tired of me too...? Would he...abandon me too? Just the thought terrified me! Bangs cover my eyes and reach out snatching his wrist, feeling his body tense up.



"...Hai? Are you doing okay? Do the scratches hurt?"

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