Chapter One ( Olliver's POV)

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Monday morning, I sigh, as I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. Dreading that I must go to this hellhole called Dailion High yet again. Not wanting to go, I flip a coin, head if I would go to school, or tails I would pretend to be sick and stay home. Such great luck I have screaming into the pillow I have nearby. As I rub my temples heads it is! Heading to the closet pulled out the first thing my hands laid on. I went downstairs to meet my dad already dressed in one of the sharpest suits he has.

Dragging my feet to the car skipping breakfast he made yet again. Don't get it wrong now I love my dad's cooking but going to that school I would rather be on an empty stomach. The car ride to school has been the same since my dad and I moved to Colorado. Passing by the suburban houses that look identical to ours. My dad pulled out his book of dad jokes and recited one. I pretend it is funny. I mean sometimes they do catch me by surprise but today was just not their day.

The journey from home to school is not that far and I dread the thought that I live so close to a place that only brings hell every day but will get into that later. I stopped driving to school a little while ago because of an incident that happened where one of my schoolmates thought it was funny to destroy a brand-new car.


I opened the school doors, and like always no one looked at me. I can proudly say that I am a major outcast at school with only one friend that likes and accepts me for me.

Hey! Hey, Ollie yo wait up, someone said shouting.

I look back and there he is my one and only friend Dylan Smith 6'3-star basketball player with dark hair that he brushed off to the side and crazy blue-green eyes broad shoulders and a 6-pack so strong that you can grate cheese across it. God, he has some good genes. I said quietly to myself as I waved to him from across the hall. Unlike most people at my school, Dylan accepts that I am gay and proud well quite proud I don't hide the fact that I'm gay, but I don't go around telling everybody I am. If someone asks, I will tell them.

I felt safer around Dylan because normally by this time, 8:10 I would be getting my Monday morning beatdowns from our jocks at school. Only because Dylan is with me, they don't dare touch or even blink an eye at me. They hated the fact they couldn't beat the gay out of me. Mind you, I could protect myself. I might be 5'7 with ocean-blue eyes and dark blonde hair. but I'm quite muscular but the clothes I wear always hide my physique. I have given up on defending myself. It's the easier way to go because the more I fight back the more they grow in numbers. Taking turns to beat the crap out of me.

[School bell started to ring.]

I dash down the hall to avoid any unnecessary contact like a freshman late to class on its first week at school. I reach my class before anyone else like always.

As I opened the door "bam" I collided with someone spilling their cup of what thought was coffee, but if we are being realistic it was not. I then looked up to see Mr. Russell standing with a look I can never describe. I then said to him, good morning Mr. Russell hoped that wasn't the expensive bourbon this time. He then looked back at me with the fake smile you can ever imagine. He then began to say it would have been a great morning if my drink was still in my hand and your gayest was not in my classroom.

Have we forgotten how to act sick again, Olliver? I then said sarcastically with a small laugh under my breath as I went to my seat and seating down, I said what would be a Monday morning English class without me?

I know deep down inside you just want to take me to the back of your cheap breakdown sedan from the 90s and spread these cheeks while implanting your delicious seed in me. The look on his face was to die for which made it even better. I'm not the type of person to do any of that. Since everyone at school knows that I'm gay, they think I have done the nasty with every male on earth. Which is so unlike me.

Today went by surprisingly well, no one came to beat me up or made fun of me all day. I haven't seen any of them today; they probably ditched school today, which was good for me. I couldn't wait to get to work the only place where I feel completely accepted and free. I have been working at a video game and comic book store in the local mall in town.

Yes! I'm such a weeb, don't tell anyway haha.


The last period came rolling around and I'm only looking at the bright red clock on the wall ticking and tocking watching every second and minute goes by. Waiting for the hands to hit 3:00. So I can dash out of class, make my way home, and get ready to head to work for 4:00.

Heading for the school gate I heard a familiar voice calling me. It was my buddy Dylan riding in his brand-new Mercedes-Benz. He pulled up next to me with his girlfriend of the week in the passenger seat who looked at me

with disgust all over her face. He then began to ask me if I needed a ride home and I shook my head and told him nawr. I don't think your girlfriend of the week would like that I'm in the same car as you I said jokingly. While little miss perfect didn't like what was said. Dylan sure laughed his head off, He then began to drive away waving his hand out the window telling me goodbye and to call him later. The walk home was not a big deal; it was like a walk in the park if it was a large park. Stepping inside a big empty house was never new to me. My dad was always at his law firm working his butt off. So early morning and extremely late night were normal to me. I'm super grateful for what I have. Only if I could see my dad more He is the only person I got left.

I jumped in my Genesis G70 and headed to work. Thankfully I made it in time. My boss is super chill and cool. Though she hates it when someone is late for no good reason. Normally when I walk in Susan the lady I take over for would leave much earlier than the time she gets off. Mrs. Lakes probably caught her red-headed and talked to her about it. Susan stayed behind the counter while I restocked the store. Everything was on display by the time Susan left. The time was around 6 and the store started to become less lively. I had time to clean up the store when homework ran across my mind but before I could tackle it, someone walked in. I hurriedly put my books away, while resting my bag behind me. The guy that walked in was tall and hot okay compared to me everyone is tall, but he looked around my age and was very jock which I normally didn't take interest in to thank to all the jocks at school besides Dylan. His hair was curly and the brightest light brown eyes the color I have ever seen and such



Luscious lips.

Omg, Olliver focus.

He came up to the counter with the new 2k23 game in his hand. The look of excitement on his face was so cute I almost fell right out of my seat. Normally when greeting a customer, I would've said something along the lines of, good day hope you found everything that you were or weren't looking for, or something else friendly, but no my big mouth of mind had to say you're cute when you're all excited like that. Realizing what I said I wanted literally to hide from all this embarrassment.

"Well, thank you I'm super excited to play," he said.

I looked up to see him staring at me with a dimpled smile that could kill me. While flashing, his pearly white teeth at me. He did a very sexy but subtle wink.

Wait! Did he just wink at me?

I am being delusional. Question, questions answers?

No there could've been something in his eyes. Yep, that must be it something was in his eyes, and he couldn't do it out with his fingers. Why would someone ever wink at me, not possible right?

I look at him with a slight smile, scanning his game and watching him leave the store while looking back at me and flashing that beautiful smile of his one last time. My shift was soon about to end and no one else had come in besides that handsome devil.

Thank God because I don't think I would be able to help anyone because of him. All I could think about was how I wish I got his number or even just his name.

Anyways, it's time for me to close the shop and head out. I hop into my car and head to my favorite dinner on the other side of town. Nobody from school would be caught dead here. I would say it is more for old people and truck drivers. I am ordering my usual steak with a side of baked potato and iced tea lemonade on the side.

Their steak was so deliciously juicy, smothered in mushrooms and onions, which made it so good. I then headed home, finished my homework, and crashed for the night. 

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