Chapter 19

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No One POV

The next day, Y/N, Musubi, Tsukiumi, Akitsu, and Yashima were standing on the roof above his house. Musubi and Tsukiumi were preparing to search for the Veiled Sekirei.

Y/N: Okay then, are you both certain that you wish to continue this?

Tsukiumi: Of course we are. She who makes mockery of our sacred battle shall not be forgiven.

Musubi: Hey Akitsu, Yashima, are you both sure that you don't want to come with us? It will be very fun.

Akitsu: I appreciate your offer, Musubi. But i'll stay and protect Y/N while you both are away.

Yashima: Same here.

Musubi: Oh, okay!

Tsukiumi: Oh, how could i forget?

Tsukiumi looked down upon Musubi and attacked her with her Water Celebration, but Musubi dodged the attack by jumping in the air and throwing a punch to which Tsukiumi blocked.

Tsukiumi: Good, thou has passed. Guard me well, friend. I shall place my trust in thee.

Y/N: You were testing her strength, weren't you? Not bad. Musubi, and Tsukiumi, i'll allow you both to search for the Veiled Sekirei. If you do find her, i'll allow you to fight her. But never forget, your most important objective is to come back to me safe.

Tsukiumi: Simple enough.

Musubi: Okay!

Y/N: Now get going!

Musubi and Tsukiumi jumped off of the roof and towards the city.

Akitsu: Don't worry, Y/N. They will both come back to you alive.

Y/N: I know. Now then, it's time for me to do my part.

Yashima: What is it that you wish to do?

Y/N: Ever since Minaka announced that M.B.I seized the capital, i've been seeing M.B.I copters in the sky everywhere. I'd like to check it out, but not as Y/N.

Y/N quickly puts on his Spider-Man Suit #2 outfit.

Spider-Man: But as Spider-Man.

Akitsu: Would you like for me and Yashima to investigate for you?

Spider-Man: No. But i want you and Yashima to come with me. Hikari, Hibiki, Kusano, Homura, and Matsu can watch the house while we're away.

Akitsu: Understood, Y/N.

Yashima: Matsu said that M.B.I. is guarding every escape route in Shinto Teito. That would mean the bridge, the airport, and the train stations. So that's where we'll go.

Akitsu: It would be for the best if we stayed out of the line of sight to avoid suspicion from M.B.I.

Spider-Man: Yes. Now, let's get to work.

Akitsu and Yashima jump off the roof of the house and towards the city train station as Spider-Man jumped off and started to web swing towards the city train station, following Akitsu and Yashima closely.

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