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I was woken up in the morning by somebody clinging pots and pans together.  I slowly sat up, groaning then opened my eyes to see Chris walking around the room, clinging a pot and a pan together like a mad man, I could see everyone else getting up around me "Fuck, stop making that stupid fucking noise" I heard Emma say from across the room. He kept doing it until Liam got so frustrated that he pulled the pot and the pan out of Chris' hands and threw them across the room.

Chris stopped moving then looked at Liam "that was extremely rude" he said in a surprised voice, raising his eyebrow at Liam.

Liam sighed "Guess what?" He asked, crossing his arms and looking down at Chris who had a puzzled look on his face "I don't fucking care" he said slowly but firmly before calmly sitting down in his cot.

Chris pursed his lips then looked at the group of us "today, I will be giving each of you a task for our heist, but first, I will be adding two new members to your little team." The door opened and in walked a very tall blonde man with a solemn look on his face and a blonde girl who looked about four feet tall who was smiling like a crazy person.

"Hello people! My name is Alayndra, and this is my wonderful boyfriend, Devin, isn't he just the hottest guy ever?" She hugged the guy's arm as he just stood there like a dumbass. Everybody just sort of sat there, staring at them with their mouths open.

Chris cleared his throat and broke the silence "so, I will be speaking to you either separately or in groups, your first group will be Giselle, Nikeala,  and Noah. You three, follow me" he walked into his little office room and we followed him cautiously, each of us oddly afraid that this would be some kind of weird trap.

We walked into the office and stood against the wall, waiting for Chris to either give us our assignments or murder us on the spot, you never know with him... "so, Giselle, you're a model, Nikeala, you're like a prostitute or something and Noah, you're an actor. I have picked you three because you would be the perfect people to distract the guards, with your seduction and acting skills, nod if you understand" we all nodded "now go, and grab Kiera and Liam" he said then we all walked out.


Giselle, Noah and Nikeala walked out of the room, slightly pale, which made me quite nervous, Noah walked over to me and sat beside me I smiled and kissed him on the cheek "hey" hey said, very quietly, I raised my eyebrow asif to ask him what was going on. "I- I've been meaning to tell you something" he said nervously.

I looked at him sideways "and what would that be?" I asked, now intrigued and worried at the same time.

"Well, in the year that we were apart, I dated somebody else, her name was Kate, don't worry, we're broken up now, I just thought you needed to know..." he said slowly, but also trying to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal.

I bit my lip "well, I- uh" I began.

Nikeala cleared her throat, interrupting us "Kiera and Liam, Chris is asking for you" she said. Liam and I slowly got up and walked towards Chris' office.

"What do you think that we will do?" I asked, turning to Liam as we walked "I mean, we both work with biology so there's not much we could do in a heist..." I said, saying that really already confused me more than I already was. Liam didn't say anything, he just shrugged. Lately, he had been really distant and cold, which seemed very out of character for, well, such a... character. I brushed it off, maybe he was just having his emotional period.

We walked into Chris' office and leaned against the wall, since there were no chairs. He grinned at us "hello there, you two do biology stuff right?" He asked nonchalantly, leaning back in his chair, we both nodded "good" he said "because I need you to make a serum that can put people to sleep for about six hours"

Liam looked at him "I'm a plastic surgeon, how does this concern me?" He asked.

Chris smiled "plastic surgeons do injections, right?" He asked, Liam nodded "well I need it to be a needle" that might be a problem, since I'm afraid of needles, but I'll figure it out. "Got it? Now get Keeley and Devin" He asked, we nodded and left.


I was talking to Nikeala about the new people, trying to decide whether I liked them or not, "I like that Alayndra girl, because now I'm not the shortest one" she said, smiling, I laughed as Liam and Kiera walked in.

Kiera looked at me "Keeley and Devin, go talk to him" she said solemnly. I got up and started walking with Devin, who I recognised for some reason.

"So, what do you do?" I asked him, smiling, he was about a foot taller than me.

"I am famous, you should know me, and don't talk to me, I don't like speaking to common folk like you" he said really pissy-pickley.

"Well alrighty then" I said and looked away from him as we walked into Chris' office.

"So... you guys are both youtubers right?" He asked

"We are, but I'm much more famous than her" he said in his stuck up rich kid voice, now I knew why he didn't talk when he came in, and why he dated someone who practically worshipped him.

Chris just looked at him "Yeah,  right... I just need you to disable the cameras, I'm guessing that you know about cameras, now go get the other two" we nodded then walked out.


When they came back, I knew it was my turn, why did I have to be stuck with that peppy girl? She kind of scared me. I got up and she followed. "Hi, I'm Alayndra, what's your name" she asked loudly and peppily.

"Yeah, I got that, and I'm Emma" I held out my hand for her to shake, but she ignored it and gave me a big hug, hitting my back with her blonde hair.

"I'm so happy that we'll be working together and I'm so excited to tell you all about myself and my amazing boyfriend, Devin."

I nodded "Yeah,  me too" I lied, I was dreading this. We walked into Chris' office and he smiled at us.

"You two have the most important job, you have to work together as a team, because if you mess up, the whole operation will break down. You will be making a replica of the bible, to replace the original with" he said, with a very serious tone "got it?" He asked, we both nodded and walked out.

When we came back, everyone was sitting together. I noticed that Liam was shaking. He got up "I'll be right back" he said, going to the back of the room, we kept talking, even though we heard the sound of pills spilling out of a bottle from where Liam was. He came back and sat down.

"Liam, are you okay? Are you taking those pills again?" I asked nervously.

"No, I'm fine, nothings going on" he said, obviously lying right to my face. I crossed my arms.

"Liam, you can't be taking those pills" I said cautiously.

"I said, I'm fine!" He yelled angrily before his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell backwards.

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