Queen's Concubine

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"Hello, Queen."

Violet eyes, brutally lashed. Thick blonde hair that must've taken hours to curl. Perfume so overwhelming that the entire room is practically soaked in it. It's the only thing I can smell, the nauseous fragrance of roses.

Han smiles, directly towards me.

"My newest concubine." He says, as Rumi Lia curtsies with a glimmer of snakelike eyes. "How do you like her, my beautiful Queen? From what she tells me, you treated her in the most unjustified way."


Silin, do not get sucked into this.

"I banished her." I reply calmly, when my heart feels like it might just implode with fury. "For forcing herself upon one of my most precious people. Before your reign."

Just looking at her makes me remember things that I want to rip apart and burn into ashes.

She grins. Her heavily shaded lips spread in a thin crescent of scarlet.

And I see her on top of Taehyung, her legs wrapped around his waist as she smiles that same smile. She runs her hands down his exposed chest, rubbing herself shamelessly against him. Under her, I see his lost, disoriented crimson eyes.

Calm down.

Calm down.

"Well, it's my reign now." Han whispers nonchalantly next to me. "And I decided that your punishment was a bit harsh on her, Queen."

He's trying to get to me. He's taking his revenge.

Rumi Lia would be his key to building his reputation back up and striking mine down. I could already see her flaunting in and out between the elite socialites, running her mouth on how I'd given her such a harsh sentence and spreading false rumors left and right.

On how I had lied about Han. On how I was so terrible that the King had to bring her in as a concubine. Slipping laughs here and there.

Anything. Who knew what this acrylic bitch might say.

As Queen, I was stuck half the day in my office working. As a concubine, the only work she had was warm Han's bed and run her mouth in parties. She had all the advantage.

My head hurts viciously.

How do I fix this? Was there even any—

"She will be staying in the Palace." Han continues, grazing his armrest. "Her quarters are next to that Tarakan boy. You're fine with that, Queen, aren't you—"


The word tumbles out of me before I can even
stop myself. And they are like hyenas, surrounding me in seconds. I am the only one fending for myself in this massive room. There is no one else.

Han had forced Jimin out way earlier.

His eyes narrow. "What do you mean no?"

My voice rises. I can't control myself, not anymore.

"What do you mean that she will be staying next to his quarters?" I say sharply, finally meeting his eyes. "I banished her for sexually assaulting him
in the first place. She will do it again. I—"

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