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For as long as Poet could remember, she had always been the quiet girl in the background, the girl was never the first choice for anything so whenever she was chosen she dove in head first. It didn't matter what it was; friendships, groups for school projects, heck even when it came to boys which was a sore subject since the girl was rarely ever the first pick with that. She was a late bloomer, always being picked on and called ugly by the boys her age, the girl wore glasses that were 2 sizes too big for her face and braces that would cut up the inside of her jaws. Poet couldn't help but feel inferior and just when you would think she'd be able to escape it, she had an older sister at home who unknowingly pushed her further into the shadows.

While Poet was quiet and shy, her older sister Solana was boisterous and outgoing. Where Poet poured into her school work, her sister would join extracurricular activities and make a name for herself. When she would me a mistake, Solana would come fix it and the older would unknowingly steal her parent's hearts away from the youngest Vance daughter.

With Poet's shyness, she was never one to make friends until one day in seventh grade a young girl moved into her city with her family. The girl's name was Rakhia and being new, she didn't know about Poet's akwardness and her lack of popularity, all she saw was a frail girl who played piano and choreographed dances in the school's auditorium when she thought no one was around. So the girl took it upon herself to make Poet her new friend and being that the girl was often ignored, she dove head first into the friendship.

Unlike Poet, Rakhia was the only child born to extremely wealthy parents who wanted nothing more than to spoil their precious little baby, which wouldn't have been a problem if they also taught the girl to be humble and grateful for the things she had. Rakhia really didn't care about anyone other than herself, she felt as if she was the center of everyone's universe and most people never dared to act as if she wasn't and unfortunately, Poet was the perfect candidate to be the older girl's sidekick.

From the tender ages of 12 to 15, the two girls were attached to the hip, or more like Poet was always a step behind Rakhia, always in the girl's shadow. The younger never complained, never said a word about the way Rakhia treated her because she was simply happy to have someone after being alone so many years.

But unlike others, Poet had passion and that passion flowed through everything she touched and every project she ever started. Dance was Poet's passion and she was good at it, so when she joined her high school's majorette dance team after years of teaching herself how to dance at home, she easily captured everyone's attention. It was such a shock to see the quiet girl whose name no-one really knew dance with such fire that she began to gain more attention.

Attention which turned negative when the girl began to get bullied behind a fake instagram account, breaking her down to the point where she felt as if she couldn't go on. Always in the shadows at home, she tried to turn to her parents who were so focused on her sister who was now in college that they couldn't see their daughter slowly slipping off the deep end.

There was only one person she could bring herself to turn to which was her only friend Rakhia who was quick to throw herself into the situation, sticking up for the younger girl when she couldn't for herself and Poet couldn't have been more thankful, once again retreating to the shadows behind Rakhia.



yes, i actually plan on finishing this book because i like the idea behind it so yeah yeah yeah

let me know how yall feeling so far.

hope yall like it cause i do & this is my first book set on an hbcu campus for the entirety of the book.

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