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Riot stared blankly into his phone screen as he tuned out the loud girl beside him, his headache growing as she ranted to whomever she was on facetime with.

Not caring enough to listen to the words spewing out of Rakhia's mouth, he leaned back in his seat before sighing heavily and locking his phone. He then placed his forearm across his face, adjusting the other that sat snuggly in his pants to shield itself from the cold air blowing in the car.

Hearing a small moment of silence caused the male to peek out from under his arm, only to see Rakhia glaring at him with her glossed lips in a pout at his interruption.

"You got a problem?"

"Nah Rakhia, gone head." Riot replied with an air of nonchalance in his tone, not wanting to get in an argument with the girl who sat in his passenger seat.

"Hmmph, like I thought." The girl muttered snappily before turning her attention back to her phone, picking at her nails that her father had paid $285 for. She already wanted to change them after not even having them for a full week and a half. Not even caring about how much her father spent on them, booking her another appointment before texting the man to get him to pay for them. "Anyway girl what was I saying?"

"You were telling me about how your lil friend had you messed up today and last night."

Riot decided to stop tuning the girl's conversation out then, shifting in his seat as he continued to listen with his eyes closed.

The two were outside his cousin's apartment, waiting for Jahzari and Yaseer to come outside so they could head to the day party and cookout being hosted. The two were known to get the most throwed and they refused to uber back to their apartment after the parties concluded.

"She had the nerve to talk back to me today. I had to ask her when she got cut like that cause please don't piss me off loser."

"She surely is a loser Khia." The girl on the phone laughed loudly causing Riot to furrow his eyebrows at her words. "I don't even know why you be hanging with her."

Riot jumped slightly when a knock was heard on the window behind the driver's seat, uncovering his face and looking behind him to see his homeboys waiting to be let in the car.

After hearing the door unlock, the two males got into the car on their respective sides, smacking their teeth silently as they took note of Rakhia's annoying presence in the passenger seat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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