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fuck, work. I woke up at 8am to a text from "stan/cashier boy" I smiled a bit, ' hey worker boy, you wanna go out tmrw ? I gotta spot ' I rolled my eyes, every time someone told me they had a ' spot ' it was an abandoned place. I shivered at that thought. eugh, my ex boyfriend. eugh, my ex girlfriend. I don't wanna think about them. I'm independent now, I don't have anyone to 'love' me or hold me back. I just had myself.

I rushed over to my car turning on the engine and speeding over to work. I make it to the mall and ran over to my store. "damn.." I hear someone not so quietly whispering when I'm running over. I turn around slowly to see, Bebe ? "Kyle?" She said with her supposed girlfriend, I didn't know her. Woah. "Bebe?" I said look back from her and her girlfriend. "Babe, who's this?" Her black haired girlfriend said calmly. "he's.. a friend I made at a park once. We hung out but, something happened." She said looking down.

"It was.. nice seeing you but I'm late for work." I said running off waving to her and her girlfriend. I run over to the cashier fixing my red curly hair then actually preparing myself. Then, a boy with a blue hat and a nasa shirt look around the store with a blonde haired boy with messy hair and a green button up, baggy long sleeved shirt. "oo, I found it" I hear the one with the low monotone voice say. The blonde one twitches and nods. They walk over to the cash register sliding over the astronaut figure.

"$16.02" i say looking up from the register. He handed me his money as I bagged up him item and slid it over the counter "have a nice day." He throws the receipt looking up at me and scrunching his eyebrows. "Yo, are you the boy Stan was telling me about?" He asked me looking me dead in the eyes. "......what?" I respond. "Sorry, Stan's cousin Craig. He was telling me about someone he hung out with yesterday and you like perfectly math his description." He said rolling his eyes. "Stan was talking about me?" I ask blushing a bit. No no, I don't like him. I just met him. Love at first sight is shit. "heh.. yeah. I'll tell him I saw you today. See you cashier boy." He said walking off holding his boyfriends hand. He twitched a lot.

. . . .

Fucking finally. I'm so happy, I'm off work, it's Friday, and I don't have to work tomorrow because Heidi has to work tomorrow, and Sunday.

I jump into my car, immediately go onto my phone and open messages. 'stan/ cashier boy' I start moving my fingers on the keyboard . ' js got off work, 🆘 so tired ' I texted throwing my phone into the cup holder and driving off home. I get home and sloop into my room changing into some actually comfortable clothes and flipping down on my bed. A buzz come back from my phone, the one and only. ' same, literally gunna pass out walking home lmao ' I smiled a bit ' lmao , kk goin to bed can't wait 2 see u ' I texted to him, he hearted the message. I plugged my phone in and went to sleep.

What? ( stan x kyle style South Park )Where stories live. Discover now