The dorm troubles

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Bb= bad boy Bsf= best friend

I was walking to my new dorm with my best
friend, bsf/n, As we were getting closer to my new dorm I was talking to bsf/n not paying any attention to what's ahead of me when I accidentally walk into a wall, a wall with arms?

I looked up and realise that it's 1 of the bad boys that cause so much pain and chaos in the school, as soon as I bumped into him he grunted but didn't even move the smallest bit, now that I look at him he's actually so fine, I get why all the girls want him and the other 2.

He then turns around and I can see in full view all of his hot tattoos and how muscular he actually is, he starts raising his arm, in the meantime I think he's about to hit me and my bsf looks terrified. But as he reaches down he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and I start to scream saying "PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!! AHHHHH!" he starts talking and says "which one is your dorm" so calmly that it made me blush but yet he still sounded scary so I say in a fright and abit h0nry "it's 416" and he starts to carry me there walking away from bsf/n and as he's further enough away from her he says this "your in my dorm with me and bb2/n and bb3/n.

I start to scream because I don't know how in the world I'm going to survive in a dorm with all of them. Especially because they're 3 boys and I'm a girl.

Then he carries me into our dorm and the other 2 bad boys are sitting on the couch watching tv when they take a quick glance and bb2/n says "are you going to your room to fvck her?" When I pipe up saying "no actually I'm your new roommate so go fvck yourself" as I hold the middle finger up and get carried into a bedroom.

He places me down on his bed and says "if your going to be in our dorm your sleeping in my bed, because there are no other bedrooms" I roll my eyes at him and he says "don't roll your eyes at me, or I'll make you roll your eyes" you blush and looked shocked.

As he (zane) walked out the room to go to the others (shay + Leon) I stay on zanes bed just on my phone. Then I start to get hungry and I need a shower since I'm dirty and so I walk out and ask "where is the bathroom I need a shower" and shay tells you where it is while Leon starts making some food.

When you enter the bathroom you realise there is no lock on the door, like it had been ripped off. You start undressing as you turn the shower on waiting for it to heat up then you get in the shower and realise that you don't have a towl so you shout to the bad boys saying "COULD SOMEONE GET ME A TOWL" as I continue to shower Leon comes into the bathroom and he starts by putting the towl in the bathroom then he just stands there watching you shower, I never thought that he would be this horny.

Leon just started undressing and then he came in the shower with me, when he pressed himself against me I felt his d!ck poking then he bent me over, when he stopped bending me over he started by turning me over so I was facing him and he picked me up and he made it so my legs wrapped around his waste when I notice he had piercings all across his d!ck and he starts to make me sl!de down on his d!ck when I moan loud which makes zane and shay hear.

I start moaning louder as he places me down further on his tattooed, pierced d!ck. and then zane and shay stopped what they are doing and they come into the bathroom and just watched me getting pounded in the shower, they start taking their pants down slowly unbuckling their belts as they make me watch them, they start j£rk!ng off as I watch.

Leon then says "if you were hungry I think your pretty filled up now" he started to smirk and held it while he pounded himself into you hard and fast making you m0an loud.

At this point I've had multiple 0rg@sms and he was close to (um!ng inside of me, he started to groan loud at my moans. A few seconds later he exploded inside of me as he grunts in pleasure as he fills me to the brim making me 0rg@sm again.

He places me down off of his d!ck and Zane and shay explode their loads when Leon does, we get out of the shower I sit on the lid of the toilet and Zane comes over to me and starts to finger fuck me while I wrap my hand around his $haft and shay comes over and starts leaving h!ck£ys all over my tits.

Leon gets out of the shower and cleans him self up and you keep getting closer and closer to (um!ng
Again as zanes fingers get deeper as he adds another finger, I keep moaning as pleasure rolls over me, then with one last thrust of his fingers I 0rg@sm
And (um over his fingers as I scream with pleasure.

Then they all get cleaned up and leave me in the bathroom to clean myself up, as I'm cleaning my self up bsf/n calls me saying "are you okay I heard a lot of screaming from your dorm" and you reply with "everything is fine here it was just the boys screaming over the game going on on the tv" she says "okay, just message me if you need anything or wanna come over" we both say bye and I hang up.

I get cleaned up and walk out in a towl, they all look at me as I say "could I borrow some clothes cause I left mine with bsf/n and Zane left to go to his bedroom and he grabbed you some clothes.

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