It's a surprise!

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"Hey Samsquach!" Said the archangel with
an extremely excited voice. Sam mumbled and slowly opened his sleepy eyes. He was at the motel with Gabriel by his side. He could still hear Dean's snoring coming from the other side of the room. The taller Winchester took a glimpse at the clock. 5:20 am. "What do you want Gabe?" Sam pronounced himself a little pissed of. "Calm down Samwich! I just came because I wanted to show you something..." "What?" He grunts "It's a surprise!"

The hunter sat down on his bed and looked at the angel with big sleepy puppy eyes. "Do we have to go now? I would really like to sleep..." "YES! We need to go now! Or we'll be late!" Gabriel cut him of and with a snap of his fingers, Sam was of his old pajamas and into his everyday clothes. A plaid shirt, jeans and a jacket.
The archangel lost himself for a while looking at the younger Winchester. He loved his puppy eyes, and sometimes -actually, all the time- he caught himself lost in them like in a big deep forest of light.

"So.... Where are you taking me?" Asked the hunter breaking the silence. "You'll see..."

Gabriel snapped his fingers again and suddenly they were both on a beach. Just the two of them and the stars that were shining bright in the sky. The sun was started to come up in the horizon spreading different shades of oranges and purples through the sky. It was quite beautiful.

"Did you like it Sammy?" Asked the archangel a little insecure. "Yeah! This is amazing! But it is still missing something..." The Angel's heart was beating faster then ever. "What did I forgot?" He asked the hunter almost having a mental breakdown. He couldn't stand forgetting anything for his little big human. "This..." Said Sam before closing the gap between them. Their lips touched in a gentle passionate kiss and suddenly everything felt right and both of them- the hunter and the archangel- felt complete because they had each other. And nothing else mattered.

*YEY! Second one shot! I think the first one was better but I liked this one also.... What do you guys think?*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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