Breaking Up?

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It's been a week since their last fight. Luke and Daisy have been fighting a lot lately. Except the difference between last week's fight and their other fights is that they didn't make up right after. Daisy hates the conflict it makes her uneasy. Making love after fights always seems to ease the tension.
Occasionally, they'd fuck but most times they made slow sloppy breathless love. With each thrust, Luke would mumble, “I'm sorry,” in her ears and kiss her vexation away.

But this time, they didn't make love, or hate fuck. This time, they'd both been so angry they couldn't stand to be around each other. Daisy had clearly been angrier, considering she'd  stormed off and left him, and they hadn't spoken since. And unlike their other fights, Luke hadn't chased after her this time. He'd been too exhausted to. What exhausted him more he couldn't figure out; her or the petty disagreement they'd just had. So he let her go.

Now, as Luke pulls into the driveway of her extravagant lake house, the one he always thought was pretentious, dreading the conversation ahead. He thinks back to all the times he and Daisy had been… happy. They'd been so happy. How'd it get to this?, he thinks to himself.

At the sound of her doorbell, Daisy gets up from her comfortable leather couch and makes her way to her front door

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At the sound of her doorbell, Daisy gets up from her comfortable leather couch and makes her way to her front door. She knows who's behind it. She's been expecting him, she called him after all.

It's time they discussed things. Too much has happened from the last time she saw him. So much has changed. It's unsettling how much change can happen in a week. Things might not have changed for him, but they certainly have for her.

Calling him here was a gamble considering how they'd left things. How she'd left him. She winces at the thought. But if she didn't call him to talk, he wouldn't have come. Now he is here and she has to end things. It's for the best after all. He would be free of her and she of him. And frankly, after what she's done, she does not think she could bear to look at him without the strain of guilt on her heart. Yes, it's better this way.

“Hi,” she says nervously. “Come in” She opens the door wider and ushers him into her spacious living room, he settles into one of her armchairs— Daisy sits across from him and studies him for a while before she speaks “You look good” she lies, anyone could take one look at him and see he does not. He looks…like crap. In contrast to what he usually looks like.

Luke Prescott is handsome, painfully handsome. He is tall, but not too tall. Just the perfect height for her. Broad shoulders and dark eyes. Eyes, she always somehow got lost in, and smooth dark skin that she couldn't keep her hands off. But that was before. Before it all went to shit, before he'd gone away, and before she'd done what she did. Now he looks like THAT, like he'd been hit by a train.

She notices the dark circles around his eyes. He seems like he hasn't slept in days, like he needs a haircut and a shave, maybe some food. She contemplates getting up and making him something to eat, but that would most definitely send him the wrong idea. Food is not why she asked him to come. He'll have to take care of himself now.

“So do you,” he says, his voice wavering as if caught off guard by her attempt at a compliment.

“What?” She says, snapping out of her thoughts. He raises an eyebrow and repeats: “I said you look good too,”

“Oh,” after a pause, she adds; “would you like anything to drink?”
“I'm fine, thanks,” he says. An uncomfortable silence follows, Daisy finally clears her throat and starts, “This isn't an easy conversation to have.” She chuckles, but there's no humour in it. He looks at her, saying nothing, his expression unreadable.

“I think you know why I asked you to come here,” she says.

“No. I don't," he says, his voice sharp as if in protest. His harsh tone unexpectedly makes her flinch. Daisy could tell the action visibly shocked him.
She could've reassured him that she was not afraid him. That she was on edge because of something else entirely and not because him. But she didn't. Instead, — ignoring the worried look on his face, she continued.

“Luke, I-I can't do this anymore,” she says, averting her eyes, embarrassed at how cliché she sounds. Daisy has never been good at delivering bad news. That was the very reason she'd practiced this speech! But here she is— fumbling over her words.

“We both know we aren't good for each other, and I think it's time we called it quits,” she clenches her fists on her lap. “I-it isn't good for us, the fighting.” she looks up at him, more determined this time. Almost like the word fighting had jump started her courage. Reminding her that this was something she had to do.

“It isn't good for me. I-” he scoffs before she can finish.

“I know what you did, Dais,” he says, leaning forward in his seat, smirking. “And I don't think you'd want me to tell anyone about it.” After a pause, he adds: “Would you?”

“I-I don't think I know what you mean,” she says while nervously shifting in her seat. The courage she'd gathered only a moment ago instantly fading. Making her wonder whether it had ever been there to begin with.

“Oh, I think you do, baby girl.” She watches as he settles back into his seat, looking pleased with himself. She knows that look. He's not bluffing.

Does he really know? Daisy thinks to herself. What does he think he knows?  Her heart thumps in her chest. He just got here, didn't he? So how would he know?  There's only one way he would know. If he told him. A wave of anger washes over her. Why the hell would he do such a stupid thing? Does he not realise telling Luke would put them both in danger?
Will she have to get rid of Luke, too? She has to. She doesn't have a choice. Daisy cannot risk anyone else finding out, and she certainly can't risk going to jail.

 Daisy cannot risk anyone else finding out, and she certainly can't risk going to jail

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Authors Note

Hey, Thank you for taking the time to read THE HARBOUR. If you like it, please vote (☆) and share <3.

I will update once every week.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

TW: The Harbour contains strong language, adult dialogue, smut in some chapters, graphic descriptions of crime scenes and violent/gorey acts. Viewer discretion is advised.

Lastly, I ask that readers not copy and paste and/or print out and distribute chapters of this book without my permission.
Feel free to contact me by email for matters concerning 'The Harbour' ( /

Ps: The Harbour will not be in chronological order. I advice all reader to take note of the dates and times.

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