Dinner at the Forbes'

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“Mom?” Daisy calls, walking through the hallway. Where is she? They're going to be late. “Mom-”—” I've been very patient with you, Eleanor,” she stops in her tracks, retreating, behind a wall— positioning herself precariously next to one of the many expensive vases lining the hallway.

Who was that? “You're asking for too much,” Eleanor says, her voice shaking, “No, I'm not, and you fucking know it,” the man says, “I can't take that much without him noticing. It's too risky,” Daisy listens with increasing interest.

“You should've thought about the risk before you started this. If I don't get my money within the week, I'll tell him. Imagine what the egotistical, narcissist Marcus Strong is going to do once he finds out his wife has been fucking his brother-in-law” Daisy gasps—quickly throwing her hands over her mouth as if to return the sound.
“Give me more time,”
“I've given you too much time, this week, or I'll make sure you regret it.” What? Before she could properly process what she'd heard, the voices stopped abruptly. And she hears footsteps approaching. She squats awkwardly beside a pillar with a vase atop it. And he walks right past her. She watches him exit.

“Daisy,” Marcus says, standing over his daughter

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“Daisy,” Marcus says, standing over his daughter. “What are you doing? And where's your mother?” He asks in a serious tone. “I don't know,” she says absentmindedly.

“We're going to be late,” he places his hands on his hips, visibly annoyed. “God, she always does this,” in truth, her mother only ever dallied when they were to have family diners (which was almost every Sunday of the week), on every other occasion she'd been more than happy to leave— well, as happy as Eleanor got (which was never happy enough). Daisy knows why now, it must be miserable being in the same room as your lover and his wife, and watching them. . .well, love each other. Her uncle Heath is always what Daisy had pictured for herself in the lover department— a man completely enamoured with his wife's existence, and for the most part, she's been lucky, Luke has lived up to it. But if what she heard is true, then Heath is a cheater. Has it always been an act? Is Luke doing the same?

“We need to leave — now! And what. . .what are you doing Daisy?” He looks down at her squatting on the floor. She stares up at him blankly through her thick eyelashes— and his expression softens. “Are you alright, sweetheart? You look like you might faint,” he lowers his body so they are at eye length with each other— his hands on his knees. “What happened?” He says softly. Daisy opens her mouth to speak, but only hesitant sounds leave her throat. “Daisy, Are you feeling ok—” “What's happened?” Eleanor says, Marcus straightens himself.
“I don't— where have you been?!” He practically screams the question at her. Eleanor blinks in surprise before saying “I needed some time,” he shoots her an expecting look, and when she offers no further explanation, he releases a long exasperated breath and returns his to Daisy. “I don't know what's wrong with her,” he says, with a frown.
“Daisy. . .Daisy. . .” Daisy— so deep in a daze barely hears her name. “Daisy!” Eleanor shouts, shaking her shoulders— and she finally comes to. “I'm fine,” she whispers, getting up onto her feet. “We'll be late, we should go,” her parents exchange a questioning look, but they do not protest.

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